PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

South Sudan National Dialogue: Open Letter to President Kiir and VP Taban Deng

Republic of South Sudan

President of the Republic of South Sudan Gen Salva Kiir Mayardit.

First vice president of the Republic of South Sudan Gen Taban Deng Gai.

Vice President of the Republic of South Sudan James Wani Igga.

South Sudan national ministers.

Speakers of the Parliament.

South Sudan national Mps.



Your Majesties, Ladies and Gentlemen

March 5, 2017 (SSB) — This is what we are going to do during our national dialogue which is looming according to my opinions if we really wants South Sudan back to where it’s was. But first, please allow me and take your time to read carefully over and over again.

We are proud that the South Sudanese National Dialogue experience has received such unprecedented international sympathy and appreciation. This prompts us to persevere in this approach and adopt it as a strategic option for the management of our political, economic, social and cultural affairs.

This is why we look forward to setting this experience, after its completion, as a role model for other peoples that are today facing difficult transitional processes, so that lessons could be learned to help solving their challenges in a similar way.

The successes achieved along the consensual transition path still need us to make tremendous efforts to fortify and consolidate them, so that they become a basis for new successes. We recognize that there are many challenges ahead of us, and there are still huge risks surrounding us.

These are the following outlined topic of discussion:

  1. At the political level, we are looking forward to completing the constituent path and organizing power and authority on a democratic basis, by finalizing the establishment of the remaining constitutional institutions necessary to consolidate liberties and resist the return of autocracy.
  2. On the economic level, we have to create the conditions that ensure the return of the South Sudan economy to its normal state, and improve the overall climate for investment, and embark on approving the necessary repairs, with extensive consultation between the Government and the economic and social players, to preserve the interests of all groups and factions. This will contribute significantly to improving the stability of the country.
  3. On the social level, we should work altogether to provide the elements of dignity and decent livelihood for all South Sudanese wherever they are, and to eliminate poverty, deprivation and inequality between various groups. This requires that we address the problem of unemployment, and particularly the unemployment of university graduates.
  4. On the security level, even if the security conditions get improved in general, and South Sudan makes progress in confronting terrorism, rebellion and protecting our borders from smuggling, a huge effort must be made in order to make a quantum leap in the fight against terrorism which in the first place started as a rebellion and in dealing with the terrorist phenomenon. This will require extending the fight in various directions and disconnecting this phenomenon from its resources wherever they may be.

May God bless these two leaders and give them wisdom to deal with this critical issues which shall be address in the coming national dialogue.

His Excellency President of the Republic of South Sudan Gen Salva Kiir Mayardit. His Excellency Gen Taban Deng Gai.

May the Good Lord bless South Sudan.

Akim Gatkek Chol Yoa

I can be reach through,

Facebook: Akimbo Gatkek


Phone: +254708269913

Chairman of SPLA-IO Students and Youth League in Kenya.

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