PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Apuk Dinka youth calls upon President Kiir to fire Gov. Gregory Deng of Gogrial state

Open letter to H.E General Salva Kiir Mayardit President, Republic of South Sudan Juba


Gen. Gregory Vassilli Dmitry (brother of Madam Ayendit), the new governor of Gogrial state

April 27, 2017 (SSB) —- Your Excellency, first and furthermost; we would like to congratulate you for a subtle decision you had taken to create 32 states and Abyei (33) in the country. Jurmanangeer Youth Association in Juba takes this golden opportunity to extend her sincere and ceaseless trillions gratitude and heartfelt appreciations to you. For the recognition you have rendered to the whole nation. And particularly to the SPLM ruling party’s Chairman and his entire party leadership. For fulfilling the visions and objectives of our party. Indeed! We are optimized that; SPLM is the party of people, for the people and by the people. As our visionary hero Late Dr. John Garang De Mabior said, ‘’ that SPLM party shall take the town to the people instead of them coming to the towns’’. We are so delighted by its fulfillment and implementation of peace agreement among other national initiatives as well.

With due respect and honor, you’re Excellency, May you allows us to lament on our long indignation, that we had had in our present milieu. We had preserved and endured it for a number of years, to exhibit it to  a national awareness, but today with its severe agony, much as  the fear on our posterity; since we don’t know  what the logic is? Thus, we humbly propound this complain to your notice. Because we categorically believe that your responds are always meritorious and productive, so we hope, they will free innocent people like us (Jurmanageer).

Geographical location of Jurmanangeer                                                        

Jurmanangeer is a territorial part of Apuk Area, one of Apuk Sections. It lies along the boundaries of greater Apuk to the following states: Northern Liech State in the North, Twic State in the West, and Tonj State in the East. Jurmanageer is one of the richest lands of South Sudan both in natural resources and minerals etc; with a vast fertile land. At the movement, Amuk-toch and Jurmanageer sections constitute the present, Apuk North County. A county that comprises of only four payams namely: Mawut, Chuei bet, Mayen- Jur and Majok-Jor payams. Within these payams, one belongs to Amuk-toch (Mawut Payam), and three payams to Jurmanageer section. Apuk North County is part of Gogrial State with its headquarters in Nyang, Amethnhom, and Jurmanageer.

To centre; borders Apuk West County in the Southwest and Apuk East County in the Southeast. As a vast huge land with difference features, it is surrounded by various water bodies both from the aforementioned directions as well as to the centre.

Your Excellency, to begin with, we have concise historical records of their incoherent logic!  As the below table indicates:

S/No Name in full County Position Payam
01 Hon. Gregory Deng Kuaac Gogrial East 1st commissioner Toch North
02 Hon. Akol Giir Thiik ‘’ 2nd Commissioner Pathuon West
03 Hon. Deng  mariak Deng ‘’ 3rd Commissioner ‘’
04 Hon. Victor Atem Atem ‘’ 4th ‘’ Toch North
05 Hon. Akot Lual Akot ‘’ 5th ‘’ Toch East
06 Hon. Wol Anei Anei ‘’ 6th ‘’ Pathuon East
07 Hon. Daniel Anyuon Chan ‘’ 7th ‘’ ‘’
08 Nil ‘’ Nil Toch West
09 ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ Nyang

Your Excellency, this substantiates our complain, as seen in the above table; these are the former commissioners of defunct Gogrial East county. A County consisted of only six payams, and seven former commissioners governed the county commissionership simultaneously, for instance, Toch North, Pathuon west and Pathuon East payams governed it twice. And did Toch East once.  Exception, Toch west and Nyang payams.

To make it worse, the county with only six payams also composed of many different directorates and departments; such as Executive director, Education, Health, Agriculture, Water Project, SRRC, Gender and social Welfare etc. But up to date, our son or daughter neither became a commissioner nor a director in the county. That since the county’s creation in 2004, we had never been represented in the county till today, we are separately in Apuk North County. Only questions we just asked ourselves throughout! What qualifications and the rights of duties did other payams qualify for Gogrial East County representation?  And to be more miserable, we share the equal rates of national duties since; but when it comes to representation, we are always apparently exempted in the representation, on top of our rights.

In contrast to this present day, Hon. Gregory Deng was the first main character who laid its concrete foundation, of their uncovered logic, and his successors plus their likes subsequently did the same scenario without change. So that is why we termed it as a long indignation?

Your Excellency, we thought that it was a gone case but to our surprise, something so strange happened in the formation of State government, led by Hon. Governor. In fact, it is a game we could not foretell pertaining to their uncovered plan. Gogrial state has a vast government, with eleven executives and eight advisory positions, yet still our county is not represented again.

Your Excellency”, we believe that every government in this world is of the people, for the people, and by the people. But the government in Gogrial state under the administration of hon. Gregory Deng is really confusing us! For sure, we could not describe exactly what it is? However, it has missed up, and has gone astray in line with community rights of demands. For us, we see him as the light of the state. This should so shine before every citizen in the state. But he doesn’t care for that. This message from the Lord’s Gospel in (Mathew 5:14-16). Apuk North County is part of his administration, which also has equal rights in the state representations, just as others are considered by the governor.

Your Excellency”, to be realistic, we believe that hon. Gregory Deng Kuac both inwardly and outwardly sees jurmanangeer as a sojourner in Gogrial state. Because we have so many sons and daughters with a number of qualifications to represent us in the state. And to sum it up, the state government under governor Deng kuac is out of the communities’ recommendations, but based on friends interests? All fathers in this world prefer children to friends! Why him to friends?

Your Excellency’, secondly, Jurmanangeer Youth Association in juba once again condemns the renewed conflict between our two sisterly Aguok and Apuk communities. This conflict is beyond the state administration capacity to provide amicable solution to the peaceful co-existence between the two affected communities. Peace between them is a universal one to the state at large. Our people are suffering on the ground there, for no any genuine reason to live in such a cruel life, they are now subjected to. Therefore, we as the calibers of those heavily affected by the conflict; we would like to declare our position as follows:

  • We call upon the national government intervention into the conflict, with its neutral committee to visit state in order to rescue the lives of innocent civilians dying day and night in these communal infightings.
  • We appeal to all the youth members in the state; more especially those affected to denounce violence. And preach the culture of peace. To save our lives, for peace and harmony to prevail among us, as well as the state at large.
  • Again, we argue all the youth bodies affected, especially in the conflict fields to refrain from destructive politics and mob justices, so that to give enough room for the law and justice to take action into the conflict. This is the only mechanism, which we see shall be the best solution to free us forever.

In conclusion, your Excellency, Jurmanangeer is one of the minorities in Gogrial state, whose rights are frequently rejected for unknown reasons to us? Hence, in humility, it is with a great pleasure and hope in you that we usher this chance to notify you about the abuses on Jurmanangeer on the ground.

 Yours regards’


Peter Garang Mayen Buok                                 

Chairperson, JMYA-juba


Gabriel Majur Marial Majur

Secretary General, JMYA-Juba


CC: Gogrial state coordination office-juba

CC: Gogrial state youth union –juba

CC: Apuk Youth union-juba

Cc: file

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