Shepherdess in Hunger Series
By Riak Marial Riak, Juba, South Sudan

They are going to look for grass,
Their sheep never graze yesterday.
I am going with them to safe my cow,
You know mother it’s only why we’re living.
That is my going mother, mother to feed my cow.
I heard that grains will be shared with pests,
There’s a rumour that tomorrow will be dry
Then why won’t I go mother to safe my cow,
You must know it has no calf to remain,
I must go mother, mother to feed my cow.
I have seen daughter of Agut-nyang in the land,
She’s flocking down her sheep to graze
But my cow dolefully mow why shouldn’t I go?
When our pools cannot sustain our cow,
I must catch up with them mother my cow.
I do not have muscles to steal a food,
I was born of nothing but to have a cow,
Just give me a porridge to slow down with her,
They’ve gone and is dust after them to see,
I must go now mother, mother to feed my cow.
I heard that forest is safe for hunters
So must our Lea also cooperate with us,
There I will sing to my cow holding club,
I need her to live happy of what she eats,
I must go now mother, mother to feed this cow.
Group of herders shouting for their cows
The music come intermittent and could never stop,
I must be haying like them although with voice wearied,
The meadow is divided mother
That I may feed my cow till noonday.
I live for you my cow, booboo
And go down there to taste that sour grass,
It lacks water to hold its root down
That is why it has withered like a hill,
I must stroll there mother, mother to feed my cow.
Riak Marial Riak is a south Sudanese poet/actor/director and self-taught philosopher. He can be reached at
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