When you have to pick between young and old compatriots (Part 1)
By Abraham Majur Mading, Juba, South Sudan

May 30, 2017 (SSB) — The argument of you youth versus old has become a generational issue in South Sudan and experts agree that they both need each other. We have heard this all round experience versus blood, what is better?
I recently sat in the middle of the conservations while on my way to work place in Bilpam SPLA GHQs, the conservations was on a somber mood before sliding into the removal of SPLA former chief of general staff Gen. King Paul Malong Awan Anei, one of the oldest and highest ranking member of Sudan people’s Liberation Army’’ if it is’’
During the conversations one thing was clear that there are numbers of government agencies where people who have been working since the liberation/ independent wars are not about to go and seek to replace them because of a serious source of conflict while some argued that such people’s work methods and ideas are out dated. Many reminded them that it is on such people that agencies anchor their operations.
Until that day, age had never crossed my mind as an important aspect during recruitment since traditionally old age has been linked with experience.
Different mindset.
In most work place especially in the public sector in South Sudan age is closely linked with seniority and consequently far above the ground ranks. ‘’ when an organization is faced with a challenge the older workers will be consulted because they have institution memory. This however, is changing as a result of know-how.
Lately government do not rely on an employee’s experience alone but look at a mix of aspects including skills and knowledge of information know-how which a key constituent on which government of South Sudan currently drive operations. This has seen as a development of a silent conflict between the older and youthful generation based on how the perceived or view each other.
South Sudanese youths especially fresh graduates have a lot of potentials and they will to learn but get frustrated at some time/ point (look at this view of the old generation and the youths now recruit) youths required only training to discover themselves and prepare for new roles though doubting they might seen.
I wish to note that people who have institutional memory must circuitous prepare youth one’s of continuity’’ I may ask myself how many of our leadership have done this and how many are ready to retire and if they retire. Shall we not have a big leadership gap?
This according to human resource management allow easy knowledge transfer that guarantees an environment where both the youth and grey haired’’ learn from each youth, people have a strong argue to earn yet the grey haired do not easily adjust to many things such a new machinery’’ introducing youth on a team provides energy and a mix of experience that is provided by the older ones.
Hence, the older SPLM/A generation should not be kicked out because of their strong social networks which are an asset to the government of South Sudan. Government will always look at one’s capacity to do the job without much investment and such only can be possible if that person has some bit of experience. This makes even when there are those who have the capacity to do this job without experience.
Much of South Sudan’s education is theory based thus it does not offer the much needed hand on knowledge required in work environment, however, beyond the stereotypes both youth and old employee have a stake in the government and can only work a long each other in order to merge skills and knowledge for better results and productivity.
The writer is political scientist and SPLA professional soldier and can be reached via majur20155@gmail.com
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