You have forgotten me completely
The abandoned soul I have become
I am no longer loved and being coddle like a child, the way you used to do sometimes back
Those beautiful roses’ flowers, full of fragrance odor in me gone
Those beautiful melodious duets gone
That used to charm the robins to beautifully crochet
Replaced by your masculine smacks hatchet
The arms that used to hold me warmly, full of affection are the same that are breaking my ribcage
Those well created hands, so pristine, with your five digits are now slapping me
The glorious face that was always admired by you
I am done
I am gone
I am torn
Why doing this to me Mike, my husband?
(She became emotionally driven off in talking her mind out that had suffered gradually for 14 years)
Look at me Mike, in this hell bound home
Where vendetta is the bread and honey of the normal daily chores
Better my father’s house where I was
Plump enormously
Innocent gleefully
Guileless gratefully
Well-built lady full of spasms of joy
Is this the reward you promised me Mike, during our dating periods?
Look at my face once more darling
Is it still dwindling?
Ugly like a warthog it looks, I believe so
A cursed face full of pimples and wrinkles
Look at my body; very thin and so old like methuselah yet I am still young
Look at my back; so bend as if I am genetically suffering from hypnosis
Look at my nipples; you used to described as “beautiful breast like that of a young gazelle”
They have been sucked by your four kids until the apocrine secretion is fully haliated
You expected me to be young again, so that you love me once more
To be beautiful like a hanging garden of Babylonia
By God I cannot, come rain come sunshine and could that be the reason why you loathe me like this Mike?
I am raising your kids responsibly
I am working for you and your family
I backbite you not
Always proud of your knots
I am always up in that winter season, to warm your water for bathe
I am always with you in the worst storms at the sea
And you want to quietly divorced me
Bringing me a divorce certificate
Locking me up in the prison of myself
Prison of no peace
Prison of guilt
Prison of doom
Prison of death
Prison of shame
Why the father of my children, why killing me silently?
Tell me what I did wrong
You are giving me cancer
Brain tumors
High blood pressure
(Voice from Mike, furious and armed to the teeth)
“For heaven shake, you are not a woman
A hypocrite in my house is what I will not entertain totally
I will never forgive you till thy kingdom come
You never respected my people
You even insulted my mother, calling her “old woman for-nothing- to live for”
I beat you, you never change
To hell with you today woman
Forget those bright petals
Forget those instrumentals
Forget those valentines
They were to bring you home
But the home in you as a magpie is worse than the graveyard
I have no comprise”
(Juliet’s voice to her,” mother- in- law”)
“My mother- in- law,
Where is my book?
My book of life, I want to write to my husband
To appeal for justice
You know everything in this domicile mother
You know how I took good care of you
You know the work I used to do in this home
Fetching water at the crack of dawn
Fetching firewood in that damn bush full of hyenas at dusk
Taking the children to school in the early morning
Building the houses roofs to avoid the leakage
Working on the family farm which you cannot do in that old age mother
Preserving your “milk” always
God knows, if I ever disrespected you mother since I came into this home as a bride in full glory
What have I done to face all these mistreatment from your son mother?
You also went on rumormongering that I insulted you
Mother tell me the truth, even the gray hair on your head is for truth, not charlatans’
I am a human being
Don’t make me feel deserted”
(Juliet’s voice to her,” father- in- law”)
“My father- in- law,
Where is my book?
My book of life, I want to write to my husband
To appeal for justice, I am not the “belle mother of Emily” anymore as you both used to called me
Do I not cook food for your son and he sometimes ignored?
That pains me a lot, father
Do I not care for the homestead and he leave it in ignorance?
That is my duty, father
Do I not till the land, milk the cow and do my duties and he did nothing, let alone bringing home food?
Though he does not appreciate, father
Do I not tread on the write paths of our customs and he seemed not to know?
That is what a woman is expected to do, father
Have I ever left home, up to wee hours like he does?
Yet he called me a harlot like Gomer in the bible, father
Have I ever pin pointed you as my father in this home?
You all know it squarely, father
Do I deserve kicks and blows even when I was expecting?
Imagine a “mother of his children”, father
Why does he want to divorce me awkwardly like that?
Deliver justice, father
Talk to your son, father
He is playing me a macabre game
Darts of mediocrity
If you failed and tend to favor your son, God will judge me, a genuine judge with my followers of truth”
(Juliet’s voice to her,” brothers, sisters and cousins- in- laws”)
My brother, sisters and cousins- in- laws,
Where is my book?
My book of life, I want to write to my husband
To appeal for justice, after being with him in those fourteen years of marriage just full of tortures
Though I am used to it, he blind fully wants to dumb me off the life in shatters
How has life always been with you?
Are those “flies” still in your food?
Are you still complaining of education?
Are you still at the lower level of your abilities?
Was I not the change to your family?
Did I not raise you as my own children from my womb?
Your brother is divorcing me awkwardly without justice
That I didn’t go well with you
If you all know the truth, tell him and let justice prevails”
(Juliet’s voice to her,” neighbors”, very tense)
“My neighbors,
Where is my book?
My book of life, I want to write to my husband
To appeal for justice that is long death profound in this damn home
You all hear what always go on in this compound
You all know the cross I am carrying in this home
I am the donkey
I am an object of derision
I am the naïve
I am the goon
I am no bigwigs
I am everything that poison their life
Neighbors, you know the truth, the bitter truth about
The genesis of all these
I must make it official
I cannot keep quiet, get mistreated and to be divorced in that barbaric manner
I cannot condone
I am done
Please pass me a rightful verdict
It’s no paradise”
(Juliet’s voice finally to the council of elders, more vigorous and agile)
Oh my elders,
Where is my book?
My book of life, I want to write to my husband
To appeal for justice that is long lost in this family hood where I am rob of my own rights as a woman
Elders, who is a “good woman” as the customs dictate?
You all know my relationship with this family
Never smooth
Am I an outcast to be divorce in this unlawful and disrespectful manner?
To be insulted and kicked off the house
Was I an evil eye as in the traditions?
I am a harlot as in the traditions?
Am I an adulterer as in the traditions and bible?
Am I lazy and lackadaisical as our traditions is despising?
Am I unproductive, barren to be divorce as in the customs?
Why elders is your son doing me this in your face and you are quiet?
No one came for my arsenal
I wish justice prevails, elders of this land”
(Voices from the council of elders with the eventual remarks of reunion in the “accursed” family)
“We have heard you Lady Juliet of the honored land
You have stood out for the truth
Bitter truth
Naked truth
White truth
Your husband is a cunning fabricator of falsehood, we know him since childhood
He is going to face the council of elders, explain in blue prints why divorcing you, “mother of our clan”
We will resolve the case
Take back your belongings to the house
Your husband will be dealt with according to the laws of land
Take heart”
(Juliet’s voice going back to the house after the retreat)
“Although I walk in the valley of the shadow of the death
The Lord will always be with me
In my fight for what is right for me
In my thoughts
In my body
In my soul
In my heart
And may my Mike change to be my paradise of life instead of a hot furnace of hell”
(Mike’s relatives’ voices calling on Juliet as she comes back)
“Welcome back home Juliet, we never wish you to leave us
No one will take good care of us as you did
Let that fool called Mike repeat it, we will kill him, welcome once more”
(Neighbors’ voices welcoming Juliet back to her home)
“That is what we knew our sister, you have the truth and you are as innocent as a new born infant
Mike will face the consequences from the council of elders
You really fought for your rights and truth in a mature way our sister, welcome back to your home”
(Mike’s mother voice to Juliet lamenting on the justice)
“I am so sorry of the all the atrocities I hurled on you bewilderingly
I am convinced by your good character and by my instincts all throughout our stay that you are good woman
My son was a fool to decide divorce on you, welcome back home my daughter”
(Mike’s father voice to Juliet on the justice and irked by his son’s behavior)
“My daughter, you are a good woman ever in this family, your husband is the most fool
The truth is known and you are never wrong my daughter, you will never get such mistreatments and tortures anymore
You are the bread winner in this family and may the grace of our Lord God follow you all days of your life
Justice is prevailed and you are innocent, you fought for it a great deal
Welcome back home my daughter”
(Mike’s voice calling on Juliet)
“The lady of the honored land, JULIET, I am ashamed, welcome back home my love, my darling”
(And there followed a long lived life full of peace and joy in the family after that reconciliation,
Juliet and Mike rediscovered themselves, put aside their indifferences and tend to raise their children
And this was the hallmark of their life which was seen when they celebrated their thirty years of marriage in jubilation)
(PS, this poem focus on motivating women in different diversities to stand out and fight for what is right for them in all ways possible even in their homes after marriage as the patriarchy society is full of male chauvinistic characteristics that undermine women. This poem is a true narration from one of the successful family woman in a thanksgiving ceremony, 2015 draft)