Nuer Generals: We are not weak but we have our internal enemy in Riek Machar
By Akube Ndoromo and Biel Rambang

October 22, 2017 (SSB) — In spite of repeated speculations, all charged that we have a personal problem with Dr. Riek. Well, we have a problem with Dr. Riek, as you have put it. But do you know; what is the problem between him and following (80 Gens)? Who knows him because they have worked for him?
- Gen Simon Kun Puoch
- Gen Peter Bol Koang
- Gen Thomas Duoth Guet,
- Gen Timothy Taban Juch,
- Gen Nyang Chuol Dhor,
- Gen Johnson Gony Billiu,
- Gen James Kok Ruea,
- Late Gen William Nyuon Bany,
- Late Gen John Kolang Puot,
- Late Gen Kerubino Kuanyin Bol,
- Late Gen Arok Thon Arok,
- Gen Atem Gualdit,
- Gen John Luk Joak,
- Gen Par Jiek,
- Gen Peter Gatdet Yaka,
- Late Gen Tangienya,
- Gen Garhoth Garkuoth,
- Gen James Malieth Gatluak,
- Gen Sultan Ismail Konyi,
- Gen James Gatduel GatLuak,
- Gen Makal Kuol,
- Gen Liah Diu,
- Gen Lam Akol
- Gen Gordon Koang Chol,
- Late Gen Polino Matip Nhial,
- Gen Banypiny Monytuil,
- Gen Mathew Puol Jang,
- Gen Boi Rolnyang,
- Late Gen Dhoal Acuil,
- Gen Magher Achiek,
- Gen Taban Deng Gai,
- Gen Mabor Marier,
- Gen Dau Atorjong,
- Gen Kuany Waar Joak,
- Gen Doyak Chol Dol
- Gen Michael Yien Kuany,
- Gen Kuach Makuei,
- Late Gen Peter Manyail Kueth
- Late Gen Koang Banypiny
- Gen Nyang Duer
- Gen Pouk Pul Luak
- Late Gen Jermaih K Africa
- Gen Dor Manjur
- Gen Bol Wakou
- Late Gen Stepppphen Duol Chol
- Gen Garkuoth Hoth Yer Hok
- Gen James Wicjong Chatwey
- Gen Henry L am Juch Marial
- Gen Charles L am Chol
- Gen Tang wal Lual
- Gen John Kor Diu Gai
- Gen Nhial Batoang
- Gen Yien Deng Chol
- Gen Kueth Simon Duol
- Gen John Maluit Wei
- Gen Gatwech Puoch Mar
- Gen Telar Ring
- Gen Mayom Kouch
- Gen Joseph Nguen Monytuil
- Gen Yuanis Yoal Bath
- Gen Tom Alnuor
- Gen Abdel Baggi Ayii
- Gen Stephen Gei Thak
- Gen Savino Garkuoth Geng
- Gen Wur Mayein Tut
- Gen Thon Mum
- Gen Awan Bol
- Gen Chuang Machar
- Gen George Athor
- Gen Pargual Alan
- Gen deng Ke ley
- Gen Gen Ochlomoi
- Gen Aoth Jago
- Gen Clemet Wani Konga
- Gen Tot Wiay
- Gen Gatluak Nyatony
- Gen Maluk Matai
- Gen Maker Benjamin
- Gen Agany Abdel Baggi
- Gen Hessien Abdel Baggi
To mention only few
If any of you could recall the onset of this disaster, you can find that all of us have responded. Therefore, facilitated by the Nuer community in the US, I have led our delegation, to Washington DC, after Dec. 19, 2013, to represent our case to the US Government, which was very successful, that was why the South Sudan Ambassador Dr. Akec & his deputy Mr. Zano Ajack have lost their jobs as a result. I have continued to work for the team until Dr. Riek had:
1- Declared him-self to be the leader, with his virtue as the most senior among us, plus his connection to the crisis. That was fine.
2- Then instead of holding the situation on temporary bases prior to suitable time, he named the movement to be SPLM in opposition,(one party system). Yet, it was fine too, Even though; it was very undemocratic step, for the SPLM to oppose itself
3- With no mandate from anybody, besides his wife & Taban Deng; he had declared a unilateral ceasefire, on Jan. 23, 2014 the very ceasefire that he has used through the crisis to defeat us within.
I should have swallowed my previous decertification, like the rest due to the magnitude of everlasting humiliation, and leave alone the killing that we are facing. As expected by many who know him he has begun to implement his illegal ceasefire silently, by sabotaging our progress to prepare us for defeat by choice, as the Juba Nuer massacre of Dec. 15, 2013, was more than enough to secure him his lost position.
Objectively, we always feel sorrow when people die as a result of spontaneous that couldn’t minimize inevitable mistakes that imply tasks. Over repetitions theory, it violates the very rule of which is accomplishing the mission and save lives. (Smart goal), stands for standard, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely). Can you imagine what went wrong since 1991 for the last 25 years that priced more than 300,000 lives?
- 12,000 people a year
- 1,000 people per a month,
III. 34 people per a day, and
- 2 people per hour?
As usual, I began to feel that he didn’t change at all. When almost all the Nuer Military officers including myself, politicians, elders, intellectuals have rebelled against him after the Nasir declaration; where he didn’t reconcile with any. That is why; most of us have decided not to join since our defeat is imminent with or without our contribution.
To continue with his sabotage; he accidentally and confusingly ran away (withdrew) from Bor-1 to Gadiang, when there was no threat for doing so. That was a clear indication that he was forcing us to abandon the town, a town that took many lives to be freed to cost more unnecessary lives to be re-freed once more. He has to do that to protect the SPLM, The very SPLM that killed us. yet on expense SPLM ugly face has to watch with our Nuer blood.
After the 2nd capture of Bor by the white army; he had directed the white army, not to advance toward Juba (but they have to remain in Bor, until:
1- All the IDPS, who were in UNIMISS, have to be evacuated. But strangely enough without talking to those IDPS if they wanted to leave their UNIMISS, &
2- Then he has to bring back his HQS from Gadiang to Bor, when he had moved out by choice from the 1st place which caused us more unnecessary lives for the 2nd time.
Then after the above our forces should advance toward Juba) yet, if you look at this situation, you would sense that something was wrong (a delaying tactics). As he had declared the ceasefire, which he had to implement by all means, but silently without telling us because he knows the people will not accept. (It is not an enemy like tricks)?
I got that report from Bol Chuol Yakuach the 2nd in command, of the Lou-Nuer White Army, when I called him as we were in regular contact. Then lucky enough, we were on three ways teleconference Mr. Duol Kuek from Canada, I in the USA and then Bol Chuol was in Bor.
All of us are alive; you can cross check that information.
Going back to the topic, those directives mentioned in the above bracket were having nothing to do with the fighting force, since Dr. Riek was having more than 3,000 bodyguards plus more than 100 Cars captured in Bor, including ASSCOM Oil Company’s Cars with enough fuel. And that according to Gen Kuol Manyang interview.
He should have used all those means with the rear forces if his intention was sincere. As that situation has nothing to do with the advancing forces, except helping the enemy to take advantage of us not advancing.
Consequently, I have known that he is sabotaging the war; therefore, I had told Bol Chuol that the enemy will not wait for all that; But Dr. Riek wanted you to be destroyed and defeated by the advancing enemy because he doesn’t want to fight.
Then without hesitation he Bol Chol had advanced, where he met the advancing enemy less 10 miles that were the war that was fought on Juba road. It was by my orders.
To add salt to injury he had to order the withdrawal of the forces from Mangala to Gat-Diang. Unfortunately, I have no other way since Bol Chol was already wounded at Sudan Safari on Feb. 5, 2014, then I was having difficulties to get hold of Burdoang who was having no phone.
The reason behind the withdrawal was a pure and deadly sabotage. He was disconnecting the two forces:
1- Force (A) that was parading more than 3,000 men around Juba under Gen Simon Garwech and Gen Tangienya whom he ordered to remain there until the advancing force B to meet them. This was a deception.
2- Now, he had ordered Gen Gatdet to withdraw without telling the white Army then that will force them to follow Gen Gatdet up to Gadiang that was why, there was a problem between Gatdet and the Lou-Nuer white Army in Gat-Diang. Not only he had withdrawn the force to Gadiang, but also he had dispersed the forces by giving them only two choices:
- He who wants to join the Army has to go to Akobo almost 150 miles then Burmath 20 miles south of for military training; only 9,000 Men out of more than 30,000 men responded, since the whole thing was not about joining the army, but it was about rescuing our people in Juba or self-defend since the enemy was advancing. Moreover; I have never heard of any treating army that runs to training centers when it is being pursued by the enemy. Except in the Nuer World. (You people we must use our minds).
- Then who doesn’t want to join the army, goes home.
Judge by yourself what was taking place. Especially the situation of force A However; ordering advancing forces to withdraw from Mangala to Akobo, giving up territory more than 400 miles putting the force on west of Juba in harm way because their escape was blocked by the enemy from Magiri to Bor when they are being pursued
If you were the one handling the war can it be difficult for order force (B) to hold the ground, until force A cross the Jebel River? Then order force (A) to withdraw west to North of Juba to cross the Jebel River.
If someone who does understand what was going on, has opposed that can be called a personal problem?
To me, our survival is bigger than personal relationships. And the worst part of that was the force that stationed west of whom he told to wait there until people reach Juba.
The force around Juba was put in a harm way, in addition, giving up that territory for free because their escape was blocked by the enemy from Magiri to Bor, when they are being pursued. As a result, they have lost too many lives by fighting through enemy territory for one month. Then we have lost the first phase of the war.
Those are very important information for young people to know that we are not weak but we have our internal enemy. If we are fools as it very clear from the time of Longoar and Nuar plus Gai Manyuon God will come to our rescues as he God denied Riek from enjoying the Nuer and brought the whole south together for final victory. I will be among them.
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