PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Government Refuses Gen. Paul Malong's Request to Relocate to the UNMISS PoC

President Kiir refused to grant Gen. Paul Malong’s request to be allowed to relocate to UNMISS PoC camps together with his bodyguards

Malong statement1Malong statement2

Remarks from President Kiir in his meeting with Aweil Youth and Community Elders in Juba, South Sudan

1) Malong is not a political figure or leader in NBeG, but a military officer of the national army under the order of the president, so he has to comply with the orders.

2) I, President Kiir, recognizes the influence of the people and youth of NBeG, and I am not starting a fight with them. They should not attack those of Warrap (Kiir’s home territory)

3) Since it is a military issue, I, as the president of South Sudan, cannot retract my order, or let Malong leave the country. He (Malong) must be disciplined and he must obey the orders from his commander in chief, period.

4) Malong must submit to discipline, and eventually, he can become “like those of Mamur” …Mamur is the NSS Minister who was arrested and jailed for a time before independence.

5) The reason that Malong must be disciplined in the first place is due to the fact that he “disturbed” the presidency by attempting to take power during a time of crisis. The presidency should be left alone until there is some peace, then he can “join those of Machar, and whoever wants to run for president.”

6) The youth leaders should return to Aweil and calm the situation there.

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