PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

2017 KCPE RESULTS: The Top South Sudanese students who scored 400 marks and above

Here are the top South Sudanese students in Kenya who scored above 400 marks for the 2017 KCPE results. Nine (9) girls to eight (8) boys. GIRL POWER in action.



  1. Jonathan Kiri Lomole (M) scored 435 out of 500
  2. Abuk Nyang Deng (F) scored 431 out of 500
  3. Winnie Arek Garang (F) scored 429 out of 500
  4. Ngor Deng Ngor (M) scored 428 out 500.
  5. Samuel Chirbek Manyang (M) scored 428 out of 500
  6. Nyankiir Ezra Majok Chol (F) scored 424 out of 500
  7. Nyanut Maluach Kuot (F) scored 421 out of 500.
  8. Stephen Lotiam (M) scored 418 out of 500
  9. Abuk Gabriel Jok Riak (F) scored 417 out of 500.
  10. Abuk Jeremiah Deng Akol (F) scored 416 out of 500.
  11. Adut Philip Aguer Panyang (F) scored 415 out of 500
  12. Nyanwut Lem Chan (F) scored 413 out of 500
  13. Rhoda Kwong Dhanier (F) scored 413 out of 500
  14. Magot Thuch Ayii (M) scored 413 out of 500.
  15. Wei John Thokwath (M) scored 412 out of 500.
  16. Gieu Yiik Ajak (M) scored 412 out of 500
  17. Liol Madhang Majok (M) scored 410 out of 500


Abuk Nyang Deng

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