PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Why our collective call to stop the war has been ignored by the beneficiaries

By Pal Chol Nyan, Juba, South Sudan

South Sudan must be weaned off war

December 6, 2017 (SSB) — This war must stop forthwith. This is what we have been calling for but it has been being ignored by the beneficiaries. The people of South Sudan need permanent home-made peace but not an imported or imposed one; for stability and sustainable development. They are traumatized and tired of war.

They have tasted a big dose of the bitterness of the escalating war; it is manifest in their attitudes and conduct characterized by violence; pride, rudeness, and unkindness. They lost their properties. They are made homeless. Many lives have been lost in the hands of armed men without accountability.

Are we not ashamed of our own actions; seeing our people languishing under squalid conditions in the camps? They have no enough food and water; no medical care and other basic amenities.

While it is a common knowledge that the leaders; I mean the main actors and protagonists of the war are comfortable with all these injustices, we are also convinced that there will come a time when each and every one of them will account for their misdeeds. Do these leaders really have clear conscience and patriotism?  In retrospect, the basic infrastructures put in place before 2013 have been destroyed by the supporters who are the fighters of the warring groups.

We, the government people have also done much damage unto ourselves and others. We have legal issues, too, awaiting us. A close friend told me this is the cause of the friction between the President and his allies. The High office is being confused by these opportunists, political turn-coats, and imbeciles who aim at benefitting from war. The big man has spoilt his comrades.

They have built mansions and deposited the lump sum of dollars meant for development projects outside the country; not a single one of them has been heard or seen being held to account. They are left to go scot-free.  I call upon these uncaring leaders to forgive us if we wrong them. Give us peace. We need a break to raise our kids and taste the goodness of life you are depriving us of.

The upcoming Revitalization Forum should take place without interruption because some of you have their blood pressure and blood sugar levels raised now for fear of losing their positions.

It is our prayer that the mediators deal decisively with those who would want to tamper with this process for personal interests. The High office is keenly watching those who are shuttling between to and fro the Central Bank to dry up the government coffers in a bid to go and financially confuse the region.

Thank God, the President is very serious in his quest for peace. We have vowed to help him at all costs. It is time for development but not luxuries and non-productive and expensive travels abroad by men and women in suits.

I am, at this juncture, most grateful to the Hon the Minister of Transport in the TGONU for the good job he is doing in the airport. Those are the services we need, tangibly as they are; but not lip-services coated with lies and pride.

It is clear that our airport will soon accommodate big airplanes. We shall soon fly directly from here to Europe and America instead of going to Nairobi, Addis or Cairo to connect there.

I appeal to all of you to use your political groupings in the TGONU to provide services knowing that it is hard for many of you to deliver on promises. Others should take a leaf from the Minister of Transport. As for the other patchy works you see, they are just intended to impress individuals for positions; they are meaningless.

The Minister of Roads should also be reminded that the USAID funded Juba-Nimule asphalted road, the only SPLM tarmac road in the country needs to be repaired. It is damaged and full of potholes.

It is unfortunate before I conclude that, two days after the high-profile installation of the CCTV camera meant to monitor and minimize crimes rate, an unknown gunman shot three innocent civilians and himself dead in St Kizito yesterday. May the Lord rest their souls in eternal peace!

Finally, H.E. the President should not allow himself to be fooled by those who always push him to war with his own people. They are false friends working under pretense.

They walk with their heads up because they have satisfied their selfish egos with the public money.

The author, Pal Chol Nyan, is a medical practitioner by profession and currently works in Juba, South Sudan; he can be reached via his email: Pal Chol Nyan <>

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