PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Fair Dream for Mama Africa

By Awuol Gabriel Arok, Juba, South Sudan

The true size of Africa

Mama Africa with her slain look of inquiry and innocence,

Mama Africa the custodian of world modesty;

Mama Africa has never enjoyed her virgin days in Peace,

Mama Africa has overworked herself since the creation,

Loathing the stains of poverty yet clinging to it with tenacity;

Born with knowledge but with little space for experience,

Her children are extremely poverty blinded,

Blocking all the glimpses of future hope;

Her one ambition was to see her children’s prosperity,

But sorrowfully, now that they are all blind and deaf,

Her dreamed of fine Statue of a beautiful tall woman;

When she is gone is nowhere.

In the beginning there was family promise of attainments;

But now she is not seeing any glimpse of that dreams,

The plentiful milks from her super grade cows,

Would have blocked the hunger and poverty breeding pores;

But it has not happened; she is now in thoughtful mode.

 On tactical mean of stealing away the death weaponries;

That her little children admire more.

From time to time, her pretty and glary eyes

Strive in vain to explore chances of taming her strange looking sons.

Rich & fertile agricultural fields are carelessly been burn,

by the outlawed jungle boys; while in search of the garden rats

Mama Africa without her knowledge has been marked

On her back by the stranger,

‘‘The carrier of poverty and diseases’’

And now at the drowning wheel of misfortune,

Her heart has reached the breaking point of age isolation

She had followed her fortunes innocently

First at the scrambling conference where her admirers

Auctioned her virginity to their bellies of selfishness

Mama Africa looked hardly old enough;

 The mother of eminent personalities;

 Nelson Mandella, Kenneth Kaunda, Kwame Nkurumah,

 Haile Selassie, Julius Nyerere, Patrick Lumumba,

Thomas Sankara, Samora Machel, Muammar Gaddafi,

Kofi Annan, John Garang de Mabior, Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf,

But to her discomfort their illustrious seem to be fading away;

The one time beautiful scenery of Nile;

And her deer-like speed had shrank,

The monotony of frequent mourning has eaten into,

Her heart hour by hour, year by year;

But I say Mama Africa deserves a fair hearing & glorification.

–                                                                                                                                                                                           Awuol Gabriel Arok, a Writer and a Poet, has a Bachelor Degree in Social and Developmental Studies from the University of Juba, South Sudan, he is the author of unpublished book ‘‘The Wisdom Horn’’ and an Initiator of ‘‘Your Tribe is My Tribe’’ and ‘‘Giving Heart Foundation’’ initiatives. He can be reached via his email Address:

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