PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Buses of the Year 2017: Congratulations to the Ministries of Defense and Interior

Congratulations to the Ministries of Defense and Interior: Bongo Bus and Imatong Bus are Juba Buses of the Year 2017

By Awuol Gabriel Arok, Juba, South Sudan

Wreckage of Eco Bus: Attack on Friend Bus, Gateway Bus and Eco-Bus in 2016 on the Juba-Nimule Highway, left score of people dead and others feared kidnapped bu gunmen

January 5, 2018 (SSB) — The City of Juba has been on the roughest coin of transportation, water and security for a considerable number of years since the outbreak of conflict in December 2013. Having hauled up Juba dwellers out of mosalaat crisis and their tireless commitment toward the whipping down of juba criminals, mostly the unknown gunmen, the two Ministries have shown a wet spoon of services.

On the apparent face of water supply to Juba residents, the ministry of defense has to see into it again the water tankers that were approved by the Council of Ministers to help in the supply of water to the Juba residents, those water tankers are not doing what they were supposed to do, they have now been owned by some few households.

If any of Juba occupier is solicit about the numerous challenges facing them within the city of golden opportunity, he or she could never fail to mention insecurity, Mosolaat (transportation) and water problem, Juba mosolaat has been one of the oddest thing that almost everyone in Juba dream and think of every morning and evening.

That dreary condition has a time tumble into the abusive paws of those who are admirers of excuses as the reasons for delay and absenteeism in attending occasions and turning up at their places of work.

 Public Institutions have so badly been hit by such scandals twined by the devaluation of South Sudan Currency and the concurrent dramatically pull down of the civil servants’ salary power value while soliciting about the late turnout and absenteeism in many places of occasion and works the most and only answer is kalaam mosolaat.

Thank God for the dear action taken by the Ministry of defence for its precious contribution to Juba populace, at the messy junction of transportation hoot came the Bongo Bus Co. Ltd into the transportation business and rescued the depressed population of Juba.

The entrance of Bongo bus into the transport circle has given a pinch of hope to Juba pooped population, the drowsy waiting at the bus stop and the neck strangling seat competition has drastically reduced since the advent of Bongo Buses into the market.

Instantly after the introduction of Bongo bus into the market then came Imatong Buses from the Ministry of Interior, Imatong Bus is a sisterly twin to Bongo in design.

Since then citizens of Juba have been praying for the longevity of the accommodating doppelgangers in the transportation field though the force of negativity has dragged some of them into compulsory imprisonment in Bilpam and Buluk respectively, citizens in Juba are still optimistic.

Being one of the devotees of those accepting twin, I still say long live the Bongo and Imatong Bus Companies for they have given transportation hope than before, humiliation of Juba residents by boda-bodas, tax drivers was reduced, even at a time when fuel is on shaky ground Bongo and Imatong buses are readily there to ferry the depressed population of Juba to many places of occasions and assignments.

In Bongo and Imatong buses, there are many seats that can accommodate a considerable number of exhausted and waiting passengers thank to the brainpower behind the two companies.

Startlingly the model of Bongo and Imatong is homogeneous, almost everyone is calling the two sisterly buses ‘’Bongo Bus’’ the only different is keenly seen from the name writing on the sidebar. May the year 2018 be accommodative like Bongo and Imatong buses.

From the national point of view the implementation, follow-ups of action taken and hopefully new plans for services delivery to the people of South Sudan will land the Ministries of Defense and Interior into a tremendous golden record of gallantry.

Hurrah Bongo Bus Co. Ltd.; Hurrah Imatong Bus Co. Ltd.

Awuol Gabriel Arok, a Writer and a Poet, has a Bachelor Degree in Social and Developmental Studies from the University of Juba, South Sudan, he is the author of the unpublished book ‘‘The Wisdom Horn’’ and an Initiator of ‘‘Your Tribe is My Tribe’’ and ‘‘Giving Heart Foundation’’ initiatives. He can be reached via his email Address:

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