PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Why does it raise eyebrows when President Trump calls Africa "shithole countries"?

“Africans have no right whatsoever to be angry with Trump. He is right. African countries are “shithole”. The record speaks for itself. For all that I care, we do need more Trump in the world. Perhaps, with enough insult and shaming, Africans would rise up from their slumber. There is a reason why China observes ‘National Humiliation Day’” – writes PaanLuel Wël on Facebook

By John Agata, Nakuru, Kenya


January 14, 2018 (SSB) — Why does it raise an eyebrow when Trump calls Africa “shit-hole” and the likes? Yet when Western media refers Africa as war-torn, drought-stricken, conflict-prone, diseased-filled zone just to name a few, we pretend as if nothing has been said?

Are we being fair enough here to embrace Western Media at the expense of Trump? I know West has corrupted our mind to turn a blind eye but that does not stop us from soliciting truth from figures such as Trump and many other slaves of authenticity.

I thought Trump was a freak politician but there was some insight into his vulgar slur that raised an alarm in staunched supporters of Government in different “Shity countries”

Trump was trying to get at self-imposed leaders, the perpetrators of corruption, the tribalistic crackpots, etc, but we never saw this intuitiveness when we were busy throwing shades at Trump and his administration.

Actually, he was addressing the extension of elective term in Uganda, Electoral irregularities in Kenya, Power wrangle in South Sudan, and many other ill-practices in Africa.

What should have been considered first before giving Trump’s advice further consideration, was that, human beings have different unique ways of addressing matters.

Some are rude while others polite. But all in all, they’re trying to communicate. As for Trump, he’s a “don’t care fella” who spits whatever comes into his mind and be counted that he’s communicated.

For instance, the other day he said Nigerians in America “Never go back to their huts in Africa” as a way of encouraging them to return home and initiate development therein.

My frens, he who feeds you will beat your mother while you watch. Trump has all the right to reprimand us in whichever way because he feeds us through grants and donations.

To stop this embarrassment that has gone viral, let’s tell the dingbat leaders to man up and learn how to feed ourselves.


The author, John Agata, is currently pursuing a bachelor degree in economics from Ndejje University Kampala, Uganda. He’s currently writing from Nakuru, Kenya and can be reached via his

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