PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Twic Mayardit Community: Ustaz Angelo Ngot Mayar is a right leader for the right position

By Deng Akok Muoradid, Juba, South Sudan

February 20, 2018 (SSB) — Ustaz Angelo Ngot Mayar, the competent candidate for the chairmanship of Twic Mayardit Community in Juba is a true patriot who cares for his people. He is a man who believes in the unity of all the people of Twic Mayardit community irrespective of their ancestral background. Ustaz Angelo Ngot is a graduate of Khartoum University and he has so far accomplished many achievements as an ordinary member of Twic Mayardit Community.

For example, he has settled several disputes among the youth of Twic, he has also played a critical role in improving the student’s welfare through monetary and material contribution and he has a vision of uniting all the youth of Twic Mayardit community through sport and cultural activities. Angelo Ngot achieved the above achievements in his capacity as an ordinary God-fearing member of Twic Mayardit Community.

The above achievements demonstrated his ability and capability to run the community position. The criteria for appointing a leader in Jieng community or Twic community, in particular, is based on one’s ability, wisdom, characters, responsibility but it is not based on age or wealth. Ustaz Angelo Ngot Mayar is a really true leader whose styles of leadership can be seen from the way he addresses the people.

Ustaz Angelo Ngot has all the qualities of a good leader and he is qualified for any position regardless of his age. We the youth of Twic Mayardit should give Ustaz Angelo Ngot a chance in order to enable him:

  1. Rekindle and restore the defund Twic Olympic sports program which will unite all of us, thus leading to peaceful coexistence among ourselves.        
  2. Revive our extinct cultures in order to preserve our cultural identity for the benefit of the youth and future generations
  3. Mobilize funds for the developmental projects like the rehabilitation of physical infrastructures. 4. Promote gender equality and democracy to ensure transparency and accountability in Twic Mayardit community. 

In Jieng society, a leader is selected among the problem solvers, the God-fearing, and the peace-loving individuals. The people of Twic Mayardit should know that it is a blessing to have such a God-fearing and peace-loving leader who always initiate constructive programs for the benefit of the community.

It is difficult to find such a caring leader who treats every human being equally and for this reason, I am appealing to all the patriotic youth of Twic Mayardit especially those who wish to enjoy the fruit of a good leadership, to stand up and vote for Ustaz Angelo Ngot Mayar.

I would also reiterate my calls on all the youth of Twic Mayardit Community to think twice before making a final decision in order for them to be the beneficiaries of their own vote.

Long live Ustaz Angelo Ngot Maperdit

Long live Twic Mayardit Community

Long live greater Bhar- el- Ghazal region    

Long live the Republic of South Sudan

The writer is a South Sudanese Student at the University of Juba. He can be reached for commentary via or Mob: +211954764508

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