PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

President Kiir missed the road to the promise land, he must resign

By Daniel Deng, Juba, South Sudan

Thursday, May 10, 2018 (PW) — Conflict erupted in Juba in the year 2013 and the root cause is counted on the past failure of the current South Sudan president Salva Kiir. In 2004 when the Sudan People Liberation Movement [SPLM] was heading to sign CPA, Kiir’s advisors and hardliners cautioned him to rebel against Garang because of his pursuit of power.
Since 2005 the end of self-determination [2011] has been marked by ethnic war, corruption, nepotism and tribalism. Therefore, the shame of the past is hunting down the leadership of “unfit” leaders, as Nikki said. Military competition is an important for Salva Kiir’s leadership rather than democracy. This observation has implications in the negation led by IGAD.

The Suffering of south Sudanese should be counted on the failures of President Salva Kiir as he has no ability and incapacity to lead the people with vision and the mission of the Sudan People Liberation Movement [SPLM]. The vision was ‘Equality, unity, freedom, justice, social progress and democratic.’ Nothing has been done based on our vision.

Dr. “Mawein disclosed in the interview on 29th concern citizen of South Sudan that President has no capacity to lead the country, what was expected by many people in the world as well in South Sudan that Slava Kiir.”
Former Ethiopia Primer has also said that Kiir should resign because of what he has experience sine he was in the office. Mr. president must think first for his sickness instead of making the system of governance collapse.
As our resilience has been hurt by weak Kiir’s leadership of SPLM, the leadership must face the consequences for the death of thousands innocent populations after they [leaders] failed to forge the new vision for the nation.
Salva Kiir popularity and respect had dominated by then but currently nobody is willing to say Kiir Oyee. General Paul and Telar fall out while they were the right hand to him [Kiir].
As Inter-Governmental Authority on Developmental [IGAD] High Level Revitalization Forum (HLRF) on South Sudan is waiting for second phase, President Salva Kiir must know that the suffering of south Sudanese is in his hand and therefore, if peace is to reign in our country, he has to concede power and governance to the people of South Sudan without excuse.
Enough is enough, we need peace now rather than later.
For people of south Sudan to have lasting peace in 2018, president Salva Kiir should be given retirement package, including political assurance for safety until High Bridge proposed Court form to determine his fate.
As the whole world is aware that the protracted war was initiated by some individuals in the Sudan People Liberation Movement (SPLM] and around Kiir’s circle, those whom had fall out with him recently, have shown to the world that President Kiir’s ability to lead the country is at the crossroad.
And as such, there must be a change of guard in transitional period for people of south Sudan to see peace in the country. All in all the attempt made to resolve the conflict in south Sudan by Inter-Governmental Authority on Development {IGAD} had been tried but failed because of failed leadership of Kiirdit.
And lack of political will of few individuals in the government that has put mediation team of Inter-Governmental Authority Development (IGAD) in jeopardize.
For the world to prove that President has failed, SPLM reunification would have been done by all factions of the SPLM, the same to National Dialogue, all has failed because of Salva Kiir incapacity to show visionary leadership .
However, the third attempt by Inter-Governmental Authority on Development IIGAD) led High Level Revitalization Forum (HLRF) team and the friends of South Sudan should know that the suffering of the people of South Sudan will not end if Salva Kiir is in power.
The suffering is unforgiveable. I urge international community to rethink and make a wider consultation for the lasting solution in the country.
I therefore believe that for South Sudan to have a sustainable peace in 2018 is for Salva Kiir to exit from power that will give a chance to the people of South Sudan to restore a lasting peace and harmony in the country.
The reason behind of notion of his power exit is because he has a thread of failures including the 2013 mass murder in Juba at his watch but no condemnation. He initiated the 2013-2016 war, abrogated 2015 agreement and married Taban, but so far the marriage didn’t work out.
Sudan People Liberation Movement {SPLM) unification has been put on trial for so many years now out of Riek, but failed again to gain ground. National Dialogue was initiated to make him win the heart of the people of South Sudan, but died of natural death.
High level of impunity and human rights abused against activists and right defenders as well as killings of Aids workers with intention of scaring international community in the country. Collapsed of economic and the lack of rule of law against the perpetuators who had committed crime against humanity.
This time round south Sudanese should be vigilant of Salva Kiir and his leadership and IGAD must listen to the voices of south Sudanese in order to appoint the leaders of their choice who will take them through to the “promise Land.” Without Salva Kiir.

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