PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

The Transitional Government of National Unity Response on IGAD Bridging Proposal

Government response to the IGAD Abridging Proposal: Gov’t proposes 65% share to the government, 15% share to the SPLM-1O, 5% share to the SPLM-FDs, 5% share to the SSOA, 5% share to other opposition parties inside the country, and 5% share to other opposition parties within the country. Additionally, the government has proposed four vice presidents instead of three from IGAD

The Transitional Government of Nationality Unity Response on IGAD Abridging Proposal at the HLRF in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (PDF)


The Transitional Government of Nationality Unity (TGONU) response on the proposed IGAD bridging proposal toward the outstanding issues in the (HLRF) of the Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan.

1. If the parties to the TGONU and the international community are implementing the strict terms and conditions of IGAD-High Level Revitalization Forum (HLRF), the basis upon which this body was established on 12 June 2017 by the IGAD Heads of States and Government, the objectives were for the following:

(1) Cessation of hostilities and a permanent ceasefire;

(2) Return to the full implementation of the peace agreement, and finally

(3) Developing a realistic timeline and implementation schedule towards a democratic election at the end of the transition period.

The above three objectives of the HLRF do not talk of renegotiating the ARCISS on new basis. Therefore there is no need for identification of new political actors because this can affect the meaning and composition of the TGONU.

2. But in the event that the above agreed principles is abandoned and a new political actors are identified to the revitalized agreement, then the SPLM-led Government position is that there will be no more an entity call the “TGONU” but we will remain with “SPLM-led government” and a new power sharing ratios shall be strictly divided between all political actors that have been proposed by IGAD. The current SPLM-led Government position is as follow:

(1. SPLM-In-Government 65%

(2. SPLM-In-Opposition 15%

(3. FDs 5%

(4. National Alliance Parties 5%

(5. Parties of National Agenda 5%

(6. South Sudan Opposition Alliance 5%

3. On the institution of presidency, we agreed as follows:

(1. President-SPLM-in Government

(2. Four Vice President as follows:

(i) Vice President – responsible for governance cluster from SPLM-In-Government

(ii) Vice President – responsible for Economic cluster from SPLM-In-Opposition

(iii) Vice President – responsible for Infrastructure cluster from Opposition Parties and Entities

(iv) Vice President – responsible for social service Cluster from SPLM-In-Government/Woman from the Equatoria region

4. State Government structure; we agreed as follows:

(1 SPLM-In-Government 70%

(2 SPLM-In-Opposition 15%

3) Blank ——————–10%

(4 Opposition Parties and Entities 5%

5. On Article 5.4 of the proposal in the nomination of the gubernatorial positions in Greater Upper Nile, it should read that “the shall be equal presence to both the SPLM-In-Opposition and SPLM-In-Government

6. On the transitional national Legislature, we agreed to maintain the tenure of office of the additional 68 members of parliament appointed as these members were appointed and incorporated into the transitional constitution of the Republic of South Sudan as amended in 2015.

7. Under article 6.3, we agree on subsection (a) in its entirety and make amended on (b) as follows

(i) SPLM-IG 50 members

(ii) SPLM-IO 30 members

(iii) Opposition parties and entities 28 members

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