PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

President Salva Kiir and the Constitution of South Sudan

By Awuol Gabriel Arok, Juba, South Sudan


Thursday, June 14, 2018 (PW) — Globally, sitting President is the only distinguish caretaker of the National Constitution during his term of office unless if he is impeached by the Parliament.

He officially supervises government businesses and activities until his office time elapse. President legitimacy can only be challenged if defeated during the elections and refuses to hand over the office to his Successor according to the constitution.

Through ballot boxes Salva Kiir Mayradit was elected the President of the Government of Southern Sudan in 2010 which made him the President of the Republic of South Sudan after the Independent in July 2011 hence, making him the Constitution Caretaker during his official term.

By the power given to him by the people and Constitution of South Sudan as the President of South Sudan, he formed his government comprising of three proven branches of government; the Legislature, Judiciary and the Executive.

And as the Commander in Chief of the SPLA and Commander of the other armed organized forces President Salva Kiir promoted, reserved and appointed Generals and Officers to serve in SPLA, Police Services, Wildlife Services, Prison Services and Fire Brigade under various capacities.

All the former leaders, Officers and Generals that have rebelled and are currently talking negatively against him got the sugariness of leadership through his tenure as the President of the Country.

When the country was in the process of preparing for an election in 2015 then came the December 2013.

It is wrong when few individuals look at President Salva Kiir at Personal Level; he is not a sheer public figure as many discontented groups assumed.

He is the President of the Republic of South Sudan carrying the national loyalty rod and symbols.

He is the present custodians of our Constitution, Coat of Arm, National Anthem and National Flag until the time when the same authority is taken from him by the same people who voted for him in 2010 as a constitutional elected President of the Government of Southern Sudan.

President Kiir according to the Constitution and consent given to him by the voters in 2010 is currently the symbol of unity, meaning individuals and groups have no jurisdiction to attack him at his personal level but treat him as the President permitted by the constitution to represent the face of the country, rights and welfare of South Sudanese.

Any group having discord with the President and his government should not forget that they are dealing with the sitting president who is controlling the boundaries and resources of the country.

Since the formation of GOSS (Government of Southern Sudan) in 2005 a handful of the present oppositions groups and rebels have been enjoying the richness of this nation until the time when some of them were released from their positions.

This clearly means they are not immutable from the systematic blame in the government since they have been at the center of leadership and affairs of this country for moderately long.

It is not the President alone: who can fight and uproot corruptions, punishes wrong doers, transform our economic, stop hatred and tribalism, stop lies and propagandas, stop war and for sure it is not the President alone who can unite the people of South Sudan.

Each and every South Sudanese has a duty and role to play on those national assignments.

President is only symbol of unity and a tool for unity when he is given maximum support and respect.

President Salva Kiir Mayardit single handedly cannot stop the war if all South Sudanese do not rally in support of peace.

For the war to stop as we wish, respect and support for President Salva Kiir Mayardit national responsibilities must be given attention by everyone including the rebels and oppositions.

Anyone who is not happy with the leadership of  President Salva Kiir Mayardit must accept peace in order to allow the country get possibility of having Elections where all who think can deliver better will have an opportunity to express and mart their parties policies and ideas to the public.

Salute to South Sudan National Flag

Salute to South Sudan National Constitution

Salute to South Sudan National Anthem

Salute to South Sudan National Coat of Arms

Awuol Gabriel Arok, a Writer and a Poet, has a Bachelor Degree in Social and Developmental Studies from the University of Juba, South Sudan, he is a Columnist with The Dawn Newspaper under column “The Motivation Bell”.  He is the author of unpublished book titled ‘‘The Wisdom Horn’’ , he contributes to Websites and Social Media platforms  on Issues concerning Social, Economic and Politic s and through his peaceful and developmental campaigns such as ‘‘Your Tribe is My Tribe’’, ‘‘Giving Heart Foundation’’, “Wisdom Testament”, “Classic Leadership Forum”, “Grace the Women Foundation”, “PeaceNet Initiative” and “Award for Development”. He can be reached via his email Address: 

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