PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

CEPO: Warring parties must comply with the provisions of the permanent ceasefire

Saturday, June 30, 2018 (PW) — The President of Republic of South Sudan H.E. Salva Kiir and Dr. Riek Machar leader of SPLM/A-IO today declared permanent ceasefire.
They ordered their forces to observe the provisions of the permanent ceasefire they signed dated 27th June 2018 in Sudan-Khartoum under the Khartoum Declaration of Agreement between the parties in Conflict of South Sudan. The permanent ceasefire commenced on 30th June, 2018.

President Kiir on Friday evening issued an order committing him and his administration to respect the terms of the pact, directing all military leadership to ensure all heads of different commands and units observe the order and implement without hesitation.
Dr. Riek Machar, on the other hand, issued an order, directing all forces under his command and leadership all over the country to cease all hostilities, provide safe passage to civilians and Nongovernmental organizations or NGOs and only act on self-defence when attacked by forces hostile to them.
Community Empowerment for Progress Organization appreciates and welcomes the demonstration of responsibility for compliances with permanent ceasefire by the government of South Sudan and SPLM/A-IO leadership.
Mr. Edmund Yakani, Executive Director of CEPO says the announced declared of permanent ceasefire by President Salva Kiir and SPLM/A-IO Dr. Riek Machar is encouraging and promising.
Hoping these orders and directives will be honour effectively and efficiently by the ground forces of the conflicting parties. Making the June, 2018 signed permanent ceasefire to hold will be a great move for convincing the citizens that peace is around the corner.
President Salva Kiir called for the citizens to use social media for promoting peace prior the commencement of the permanent ceasefire and Dr. Riek Machar stressing their supporter and forces to avoid any form of hostile acts is a clear demonstration of responsibility for making peace happens in South Sudan.
Signing an accord for paving a way to peace is simple but not easy to execute the accord if there is lack of political will and good faith politics. Mr. Yakani stressed.
CEPO strongly called upon the other armed conflicting parties to declare permanent ceasefire immediately before 1st July 2018. Compliance with the provisions of permanent Ceasefire is critical and demonstration of responsibility for non-violent settlement of political difference.
The witnessed act of today of government and SPLM/A-IO fighting in Kajo-keji area (Kindiri) should be stop and not repeated from 30th June 2018 onwards.
Finally, CEPO is urging the conflicting parties of South Sudan to continue this demonstration of will for making peace happen. We will be tracking the conflicting parties’ compliance with the provisions of the permanent ceasefire monthly.

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