PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

South Sudan: Let us support the Khartoum Declaration Agreement

By Pal Chol Nyan, Juba, South Sudan

CEPO Fact Sheet on the Signed Khartoum Peace Agreement on the Revitalization of the 2015 ARCSS

Monday, August 13, 2018 (PW) — Warring parties inked a deal in Khartoum on the 5th August 2016 but the question that begs itself is, will it hold? All the Factions along with the Government of General Salva Kiir signed except NAS.

The leader of NAS cited that the root causes of the conflict have not been addressed. The issue of Federalism has been skipped, and that the 32 States be abolished. Dr Hakim Dario of PDM (People Democratic Movement) refused to sign the agreement. The rest including the main SPLMIO made concessions and signed.

A splinter group from NAS signed on his behalf which prompted him to dismiss them. There are lingering and vociferous voices saying that this peace will not hold despite M7 and President Bashir support it. The terrified South Sudanese who know their leaders for their hostile differences are skeptical as to whether it will be implemented or not given the level of animosity in their political genes.

I am personally pessimistic. I have a lot of experiences about agreement signed and dishonored .There is also an entrenched mistrust among our political and military leaders who fought the war of liberation and later rushed to take over the mantle of power in the failed state building.

They hate themselves to death and the victims are the citizens including me. There is a tribalism in South Sudan, a moral disease difficult to eradicate. I think it is time to preach this peace. I call up on our suffering masses not to allow this peace to slip out of our hands this time.

The goodness of this agreement is because those behind it are strong plus the commitment by our President and his inner circles. With the Executive Order issued yesterday by the President to all those who took up arms against the government, there is a sign of a political will to implement the Agreement. Let us support President Salva and all those who accepted to see that this war stops.

President Kiir is a good person and has a forgiving heart. Many will disagree with me that President Salva is a champion of peace and a man who takes responsibility for anything he says. I hope the President will continue to issue decrees and orders to release the hostages of war or call them (Prisoners of war) and political detainees.

I would appeal to our President to show a caring heart and release James Gatdet, the former spokesman of Dr Riek Machar and some other detainees. Let me conclude by congratulating our people and leaders on the signing of peace.

The writer is a citizen of South Sudan and reachable at

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