PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Riches or Poverty No one should Boast of

By Malith Alier, Perth, Australia


Saturday, December 15, 2018 (PW) — Each of us was born with nothing on hand at the time of birth. This fact needs no one to be reminded about. On equal measure some of us go on not to gain much out of this world in the way of riches.

Nature has adequately endowed my country, South Sudan with natural resources that could make everyone in the country to be adequately catered for but this is not the case. We have abundance of livestock, vegetation, fish and recently oil wealth.

Despite abundance of the above natural wealth and the low population people remained extremely poor compared to neighbouring countries. Some of the reasons why people remained poor include; war, tribal or internal conflicts and lack of general productivity by organisations and individuals alike.

War alone has the greatest potential to imposed displacement and destitution on the country. The 1983-2005 and the 2013 – 2018 upheavals are the best examples for South Sudan.

Over the recent months, South Sudan have prominently featured on the world stage for the unlikely show of riches with tradition in the mix. The marriage of Nyanlong and the Lual Malong Yor Jr. shows, both on the Facebook otherwise collectively known as social media.

Lual Malong Yor Jr. who have been on social media for years with his show of wealth went on record to deny has alleged linage to former army chief turned rebel leader, General Paul Malong Awan. He denied being his son on The Citizen TV before Jeff Koinange in Nairobi, Kenya. On the last week of November, the same Lual Malong went to Kampala Uganda and was arrested for reasons best known to authorities there. This author is not sure whether he was released or still behind bars as we speak.

One thing is certain for Lual Malong ordeals – show of wealth. A lot of wealthy people around the world won’t go on the internet to attract attention for the sake of wealth. These people allow others to report it and they have the luxury to deny those reports to the contrary. These people like Bill Gates of USA have a legitimate and verifiable source to where they obtained those riches.

When pressed to disclose the source of his wealth, Lual was not forth coming. the fact that he was alleged to be related to Paul Malong was an attempt to dig the source of his boasted riches. There is nothing wrong with being in possession of riches at any one time as long as those riches have been legitimately and legally obtained. And depending on intended use, riches can be a blessing to both the owner and the less fortunate.

In a country like South Sudan where great majority wallows in poverty there is an increased demand on those with wealth to be responsible and live to the expectations in the country and abroad.

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