PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Thiik Thiik Mayardit: Why the government shuts down Insight Security Company in South Sudan

Press release: Why the government shuts down Insight Security Company in South Sudan

Deputy Mayor of Juba, Thiik Thiik Mayardit: 'My war with Ateny Wek is that he made some wrong reports on behalf of the President'

Dear Country men and women, at my Capacity as deputy City Mayor of Juba city Council and as a leadership, we have shut down Insight security Company .

When news of closure was announced, many South Sudanese were suprisingly questioning themselves as to what prompted the unfortunate lock up of the Company which existed for a quite long(13 years).

Here are reasons why I closed Insight as a company.

1. Insight company was opened in 2006 at deal which would have earned government of South Sudan £50,000 USD annually but the company failed for 13 years now without paying not even a coin.

2. Exploitation of our citizens,

Insight company has topped the list of companies which have maximally exploited our citizens as shown by the followings details.

The company is suppose to pay its UN assigned staff £347 USD monthly according to what we saw in their contract, an equivalent of 104,100 SSP today in accordance to black market rate but to our dismay, we found out that these above staff are paid only 32,000 SSP each per a month meanwhile the company is deducting 72,100 SSP from all its UN assigned staffs.

Another one are staffs which this company assigned to the W.F.P which is World Food programme, these staffs are suppose to be paid £294 USD which is an equivalent of 88,200 ssp and shockingly, the Insight company is paying them only 20,000 SSP and the company is deducting 68,200 SSP each staff monthly.

Third victim group are staff of one of the company which I forgot it name and will be provided which the Insight is to trust fully suppose to pay them £179 USD monthly, an equivalent of 53,700 SSP but cheating them with 15,000 SSP a month.

3. Insight don’t issue sitting allowances for their staff and it’s stipulated in their contract and neither do they issue Insurance cards for treatment to their staff.

4. Insight have taken diversity of South Sudan for grant, it has been a centre for colliding our tribes as they used each against each other through their manipulated employments.

5. Since the Country plunged into civil war, Insight have taken advantage by writing false reports to international community which is complete opposite of their tusks in the Country.

For these reasons and after we negotiated severally to grant the rights of South Sudanese Citizens by paying them in dollars and in stipulated figures of the Contract which the company in question failed miserably, I wrote a letter to the Ministry of Labour and public service, filings all these slew of complaints and our Minister was very angry about this for he too represent the will of our vulnerable people.

Therefore, my fellow citizens, we thought this is disservice to our people and we representatives of the people can’t shy away from taking bold against the company which not only breached the law of the Country but also abuses its citizens through exploitation.

If you want a reason as to why Insight company was shut down, this is a reason we opted to ceased to operate Insight company Lmtd.

Thiik Thiik Mayardit,

Deputy Mayor,

Juba city Council,


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