Trouble in Paradise: Archbishop Justin Badi of ECSS Suspends Bishop Akurdit Ngong of Bor Diocese (Part 2)

The Episcopal Church elects Bishop Justin Badi Arama of the Diocese of Maridi to replace Archbishop Dr. Daniel Deng Bul as Primate and Archbishop of South Sudan
From: Bishop Peter Joh Mayom, Diocese of Malek, ECSS
To the Public: Condemnation of Aweil Diocese Archbishop Moses Deng Bol’s Speech on 25th December 2019 in the Church in Nairobi, Kenya

Saturday, December 28, 2019 (PW) — The ECSS is responsible for creating confusion among the Christian in Bor. Anyidi and Makuach did not asked for the Diocese of their own, but it was suggested by the bishops of Jonglei before some of the dioceses within Jonglei under the leadership of former primate. However, the ECSS leaders are extending the same confusion to the politicians to mess up the community. Because of that, I have to speak up to remind you the Primate, archbishop Reuben Akurdid and archbishop Moses Deng Bol that both of you have politize the issue and are responsible for the crisis.
Dear Primate, Merry Christmas and happy new 2020 in advanced. Your Grace, I am writing this note to condemned Archbishop Moses Deng Bol’s speech on 25th December 2019 in the Church in Nairobi. I watched and listened to his speech on live (face book) and that can be treated as hate speech against certain community. Archbishop Reuben has been doing that for long, but nobody confronted him. Now we have realized his communication was not helpful! Such utterances your grace are referred to as misbehavior according to the Constitution of the Province of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan, 2016 AD. Article 45 Section (4) sub-Section e).
Your Grace, I though the issue was administrative between you and Archbishop Reuben Akurdid, but Archbishop Moses Deng has taken it outside based on his personal interest or for the Church and now that has outraged the community. It is you who tell the politicians from Bor whether it is the intention of your administration or his own. In my own opinion, the issue has anything to do with politicians from Bor. Your Grace, Archbishop Moses Deng Bol confirmed to me over the phone call yesterday that he has the names of those politicians he was referring in his speech in the Church.
As result of that, I am requesting your cordial office Your Grace to asked Archbishop Moses Deng Bol to give you the names of those politicians from Bor who have influenced Archbishop Reuben Akurdid to take that decision on the ground that Twi have more Dioceses than Bor. There is nothing that ECSS distributed to the presence Dioceses that we end up with little shares because we are few.
You grace, majority of people and particularly the intellectuals from the said community are not standing with the decision of Archbishop Reuben including two of us who are bishops and some have been trying to lobbied him not to go ahead, and others have talked in public condemning him, but some of responsible persons like Archbishop Moses Deng Bol among others went on public saying some of the words that may likely convince some people to supporting Archbishop Reuben.
If politicians from Bor were involved in this case your grace; they should have convinced me and Bishop Moses Anur to stand with Archbishop Reuben. Your Grace, Archbishop Moses Deng Bol should apologize to those whom he accused them in public and the entire community if you believe that this issue is a Church matter. Your Grace, there is no reason not to stand with Archbishop Reuben Akurdid at this time if the Episcopal Church of South Sudan is the one politicizing the matter.
Your Grace, since the issue has been politicized by the Church leaders thinking that Archbishop Reuben is the only person who is on the wrong side of the law in regard to the issues to do with creation of new diocese. I know he is wrong, but the whole system of ECSS either the previous leadership as well as yours have never follow its law. Some of the Dioceses your grace are operating without approval from the General Synod.
Your Grace, If your intention were to restored the constitutional practice in the Episcopal Church of South Sudan, then you are on the right path of the law. But please your grace risk not to break the same ARTICLE 16: ON THE FUNCTIONS AND POWERS OF GENERAL SYNOD, otherwise it will put you on the awkward position. I agreed with you that, it is the responsibility of General Synod to approved Dioceses and the Internal Provinces according the above-mentioned Article 16 section (2) as it read: “It shall have the power to create Internal Province…” In other words, Eight (08) Provinces were not approved by the General Synod.
Also in case you have issued Certificates authorizing the inauguration of any Diocese without approval from the General Synod, then that is the violation of the law and the law must be applied equally. I think nobody is above the law in the ECSS. In nutshell, those certificates issued without the approval of the General Synod should be withdrawn and those Dioceses remind inactive until General Synod in 2021 formalize the process. All MUST be subjected to the General Synod if we are to restore constitutional practice in the ECSS.
+Peter Joh Mayom is the Bishop of Diocese of Malek, ECSS, Jonglei state, South Sudan
Dear Waada Akudid: Open Letter to Bor Diocese Archbishop Reuben Akurdid Ngong
By Lay Reader Daniel Biar Makuei, Bor, Jonglei State
Saturday, December 28, 2019 (PW) — Dear Waada AKurdid, as a believer and having a title in the Episcopal Church of South Sudan. We all know that Christianity first entered into the Dinka land of Bor in early 1905 after several attempt by the white missionaries to introduce Christianity simply because Dinka people were resistant toward all alien influence that has an Impact of their tradition, social coexistence and their gods.
In Dec 1905, the Anglican Church Missionary Society (CMS) founded their first station in Bor at Malek. It was founded by #Archdeacon_Archibald_Shaw (Machuor) but for 6 decades our Grandparents never had interest to accept the white people gods. At first Christianity was perceived as a religion of School Children and educated town dwellers. Liirpiou, Aleer to mentions few gods were worship simply because they possessed spiritual powers that people believed on.
After much resistance from the Dinka Bor, Machuor was sick and he left a word that we could all remember, “Ke kockë (Dinka) abë wët de Nhialic nyic të nong mïthken në thaadë.” In 1984 Nathaniel Garang Anyieth was consecrated and he started his mission. We are his seeds. Throughout his life he has dedicated his life to the welfare and growth of Christianity. We respect him for that. I call him the father of Dinka Bor Christianity.
In reference to all above, I have read a series of letters trending on social media about your suspension. The first letter on 13th-Dec from the Office of the Archbishop & Primate was a warning letter I quoted the Subject: “STOPPAGE OF THE PLAN FOR CONSECRATION OF THE BISHOPS “Citing a violation of Provincial standing Order. No 1/2018 AD. I quoted again that the continuation of the consecration might bring confusion and division in the church of God. And that you should wait for a proper way in accordance with norms and traditions of ECSS.
That was a clear message from your authority; in defiance and violation of your Boss on 14th/Dec you went ahead without an approval from your Boss Justin Badi Arama by consecrating the 4 Bishops of Anyidi, Makuach, Chueikeer & Duk Padiet. I quoted a verse below about respect for authority.
Roman 13:1-2: “Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment”. Hebrews 13:17 says: “Obey your leaders and submit to them”
After you disrespect your authority in a bold act of defiance you went ahead. And after the Primate revisited your deeds, he responded by suspending you and withdrawal of ecclesiastical powers from you which was something any institution can make.
Again in a bold act of defiance you responded by disapproving the suspension and start pointing finger on your boss and that it was unconstitutional in regards to the ECSS law.
I quoted, “Let me tell you that ECSS have been in Jonglei for 114Yrs without you and it will continue to be there without you”. This shouldn’t be a word from you as our spiritual leader. We are copying our government-like-rebellion principles in the house of the lord. The concepts of obedience and submission are often difficult to speak about because our culture is largely built upon rebellion against authority which doesn’t constitute right.
For example; in exercise of your powers, last year in Kampala were I served under you, you suspended our innocent Pastor in Charge Abuna Joseph Maker Achiek and William Akol Nhial and they both heeded to your order. That is an example of a leadership role. Now that the spear has been turn against you why don’t you want to accept the order? We lead by examples.
In light to the response in a letter; the diocese that were consecrated are writing back in defense of your decision accept Duk Padiet. You have spearheaded the rejection of allegiance to the authority and they are writing in your Defense of your decision citing it as constitutional when in the real sense isn’t.
In conclusion; the concept of submission and obedience to godly church leaders does not mean following them blindly without question. There must always be room in the church for asking questions and seeking answers about things we don’t understand. How you react to discipline or correction from your authority shows the level of respect you hold for their leadership. Are you offended or angry when they correct you or do you respect their decision and respond with humility?
Dinka Bor Church is deviating from its Godly norms and tradition simply because of the system that you are planting into people. These days there is too much politicking in the church more than the government. People are divided on tribal and sections. The word of the God is slipping away slowly without realization. Lead in Godly way. And everything shall come to pass. Unite people! Serve by example.
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