PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

PaanLuel Wël

About PaanLuel Wel

A South Sudanese blogger based in Washington DC, USA. This is my take on the most pressing issues of our time in our new country of the Republic of South Sudan. Feel free to read my articles, share ideas and comment on the blog account, Facebook page or follow me on Twitter. ShukRan!!!

Contact Information

Name: PaanLuel Wël;

Nationality: South Sudanese;

Studied: Graduated with a Double Major in Economics and Philosophy from the George Washington University, Washington DC, USA.

Current city: Washington DC, USA;


Facebook: PaanLuel Wël;

Twitter: PaanLuelWël2011;

9 thoughts on “PaanLuel Wël

  1. Brother, if encouragement is of any force; it should lift you up into even greater heights for achieving for us even more or less of similar success. And yes!BaaiLuel Wël–and you’ve shown it in kind–by providing us, indeed the entire nation with;where to “dialogue” objectively on issues of our condition:how ought must “we” live– no matter where on earth one lives!You’ve made an achievement for all of us. And I sincerely commend you for that–this very site(web).

    It has to be considered as a significant sign of native intelligence, and achievement to the nation: the “resolve” to confront our nation’s challenges heads-on–no doubts, it’s the axis for patriotism.

    And I would say many thanks to “you”, my book-learned, studious compatriot.This has been a remarkable contribution from your part to our country.

    Indeed, PaanLuel Wël has arrived, in fact at a critical time. which needs our(South Sudanese) critical efforts to offset the scale of misery, and save our “hard-won”, yet “rightfully-won” Republic,not a tyranny!

    And it’s my wish to see “PaanLuelWë” succeeds: both as a business, and above all, as a intellectual theatre(online) for our take(s) on issues that matter to us all. Not Kiir-Riek machar show: primed by the perpetual, triple crisis:economic, political, and military-that has now befallen the country; pushes the whole nation into a needless, colossal abyss; and heightens the levels of misery on an entire citizenry.

    YÏÏn aca leec apεεi,

    Ed Guattari

  2. It is with great pleasure to comment you on what you have done. Providing us with a place to speak our minds, express our view and discuss Our nation issues is as important as giving as a school to learn from. Its unique idea that has rarely been done by our current generation. From my heart and everyone that might feel the same way as me, we thank you.
    May this site continue to grow successfully and develop to reach its goals and objectives.

  3. Thank you very much Pan Luel for such an initiative.I happened to be a person who love people ways of airing out their views in which every ever capacity.In short summary I am a student at the United States international University Africa Nairobi Kenya international Relations concentrations diplomacy major.I am your frequent reader just a praise well done job kudos my friend.I will one day study at George Washington University.Thank you for this great effort.

  4. You are welcome: ED GUATTARI, MAMA JUNUB AND DUT AGOSTINO AGEI. Your appreciation is highly welcomed. I wish you the best of luck Dut Agostino Agei to join the George Washington University.

  5. Great mind,and am proud that you are from the land of milk and honey,yes during this time we need our opinions and thoughts together toward the development of our nation,thanks for your Love of the nation,I believe you are doing our nation something great,thus most people may not appreciates it now,you are truly Good citizens ,who doesn’t ask what the country can do to him/her but who can do something to his/her country.
    thanks keeps Going

  6. PaanLuel Wel is a great media platform for all Sudanese. It has been a little while since I last shared opinion on this platform. I have a written commentary I would like it published on PaanLuel Wel.
    I can send you this written commentary and can also be found on the below website link.

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