Bloomberg News By Jared Ferrie on April 28, 2012 China will provide South Sudan $8 billion in development loans over...
PaanLuel Wël
Syerramia Willoughby LSE’s Matthew Le Riche is in Rubkona in South Sudan, which was under attack by Sudanese forces on...
Sudan v South Sudan: Close to the brink Apr 28th 2012 | BENTIU, JUBA AND NAIROBI | from the print...
The Obama Administration’s Naively Even-Handed Response to a Crisis in Sudan Armin Rosen April 27, 2012 ...
Does Easter celebrate a man, a savior, or a myth? Some say Jesus never existed and was a myth created... Coup rumors in Juba David Dechand comments on coup against Salva Kiir in South Sudan South Sudan slams...
Chief negotiator calls for EU involvement in strengthened UN force to end conflict with Sudan. South Sudan would like the...
Children are dying. We are their last best hope. By Franklin Graham Wednesday, April 25, 2012 I have seen what happens...
By MAGGIE MICHAEL, Associated Press – CAIRO (AP) — The Arab League on Thursday condemned South Sudan's "military aggression" against...
By Michelle Nichols and Louis Charbonneau | Reuters – UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The United States on Thursday circulated to the U.N. Security Council...