“I would rather discover one cause than be king of Persia,” Democritus, c. 460 – c. 370 BC By Dut...
By Jok WaMonychok, Abyei, South Sudan Saturday, January 18, 2020 (PW) --- As the saying goes: “A tree that produces...
SPLM-IO Preconditions1 for the Formation of the R-TGONU in Feb 2020 SPLM-IO Preconditions2 for the Formation of the R-TGONU in...
By James Gatdet Dak, Nairobi, Kenya Thursday, January 16, 2020 (PW) --- Is traditional facial scarification still being practiced among...
Pagan amum, Paul Malong Awan, Thomas Chirillo, Chirino Hiteng and Oyai Deng Ajak launch the South Sudan Opposition Movement in...
By Roger Alfred Yoron Modi, Nairobi, Kenya The author, Roger Alfred Yoron Modi Wednesday, January 15, 2020 (PW) --- Last...
By Mading Gum, Juba, South Sudan Do Not Confuse a Camouflaged Call for Confederation for Call Federalism Tuesday, 14 January...
By Ater Yuot Riak (PhD), Juba, South Sudan Tuesday, January 14, 2020 (PW) --- This is a complementary to article...
By Baak Chan Yak, Juba, South Sudan salary Tuesday, January 14, 2020 (PW) -- Nation-building has many important aspects. Firstly,...
By Ariik Atekdit, Tonj, South Sudan Monday, January 13, 2020 (PW) --- As we count down the 100 days which...