By Stephen Par Kuol - Just like Nazi’s Germany, Zaire’s Mombuto Seseiko, Augusto Pinochet’s Chile and others in that inexhaustible list,...
By Amer Mayen Dhieu "My children, make your own friends among your own generation and peers. My name is not...
By Kur Wel Kur William Nyuon Bany Dear Uncle Nyuoon, - I believe in the life after death, not only ...
By Amer Mayen Dhieu, Australia “Never mind about my death and hatred from people, I died the time I decided...
Uncle Elijah Malok Aleng Has Joined our Martyrs Today. Elijah Malok Aleng, war veteran of both Anyanya one and the...
Cautious Optimism: A Realistic Approach to African Development An Interview with Raila Odinga, Former Prime Minister of Kenya Oct 28,...
Crisis Group: Conflict Alert: Looming Military Offensives in South Sudan (click on the link here) Warring parties in South Sudan’s...
By Malith Alier, Juba Opening ceremony: ministry of Communication The Office of the President (OP) spends millions of money each...
By Morris Mabior Awikjokdit, Early childhood education is an organized form of educational provision for children between the ages of...