The Republic of South Sudan is the fourth on the list of the world’s failed states, after the Democratic Republic...
By Atok Dan On this day, a star shone in the east, in the East of the Nile it was...
Ever wonder what it would be like to sleep with a mean film director, a socialite or the guy who...
By Dr. James Okuk (Juba, South Sudan) "People at the higher stages of moral development not only sympathize with...
Heaven vs Earth: who will carry the day? The Brothers are better off adopting the Turkish Islamists' tactic of wearing...
Maps and related documents pertaining to South Sudan Detailed Administrative map of Republic South Sudan with One Boundary with out...
The History of Murle Migrations and Interaction with the Nuer, the Anyuak and the Dinka I am always perplex...
Sudanese President Omar Al Bashir has announced a series of deep budget cuts while addressing the National Assembly in Khartoum...
TO: UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-Moon CC: UNSC, EU, AU, IGADD, US Department of State, White House, US...