Dear All, Please find attached an Urgent Appeal from the SPLMN regarding the Humanitarian Situation in the war affected areas....
"I did not say the money was stolen neither I did say $4Bn has been stolen. I said the money...
There is a stiff race between Juba and khartoum: which government would financially collapse first? Has Khartoum won the race...
Great work!!
The ruling by the "Egypt’s Supreme Constitutional Court on Thursday...that the Islamist-led Parliament must be immediately dissolved, while also blessing...
Rebel Without a Cause: Playing Chicken in South Sudan Huffington Post Something similar seems to be going on in East...
Dear Lam Without much ado, I am going straight to the point. I am phrasing my thoughts and feelings to...
Subject: 12 June 2012-(Juba) -The national parliament has suspended the government officials alleged to have stolen public money. This followed a...
Salva Kiir Speech to RSS Parliament.pdf
From the People of South Sudan to the President of the Republic of South Sudan on Corruption by Steve Paterno Dear...