Solving conflict in the African continents, AU in position to help prevent many of these problems by encouraging African leaders...
By Deng Kur Deng, Pennsylvania, USA 'Kiir Dagas, Malesh Bashir, Allah Jabu etc., are some of the slums hosting fleeing...
“Child abuse does not go away, but 90 percent of child abuse is preventable.” -Karen Adams By Deng Kur Deng,...
Making sense of Duk Community in Diaspora’s Position Paper on the Distribution of Power in Jonglei State By Kon Joseph...
Abstract from Animals’ farm By Kon Joseph Leek, Juba, South Sudan March 14, 2016 (SSB) --- Issue of milk was...
By Samuel Reech Mayen, Kampala, Uganda Riek Machar and Pagan Amum signing the IGAD peace deal March 12, 2016 (SSB) ...
Either the parasite will kill the host or the host will defeat the parasite or the duo will be eaten...
Atem’sijin, Juba, South Sudan March 8, 2016 (SSB) ---- There are some weird things done by women in the name...
By Malith Alier, Juba, South Sudan March 8, 2016 (SSB) --- Before, the October 2nd 2015 presidential order partitioning South...
By Malith Alier, Juba, South Sudan March 8, 2016 (SSB) --- The problem of South is not aid, humanitarian or...