Someone forwarded me this article-–Dr. Luka Biong Deng’s doctoral dissertation–which I found interesting and informative; hope you may enjoy it...
Dear all, We are saddened by the tragic death of our Uncle Dr. Toby Madut Parek. We express our deepest sympathy and most profound...
Very much at ease Nigerian novelist Chinua Achebe chats with former South African President Nelson Mandela at a Steve Biko...
May 20, 2012 (BOR) - The Dachuek and Ayual ethnic groups of Wangulei were finally reunited by Rebecca Nyandeng who...
Video Highlight: Bayern Munich 1-1 3-4 Pen Chelsea (Final) Chelsea © Action Image 19 May 2012, 23:29 Didier Drogba...
David Ropeik, May 14, 2012 When I was a kid, my synagogue was right across the street from...
(POCHALLA) – On April 25, 2012 the Anyuak Kingdom crowned Akwai Agada Akwai Cham and become 24th King of the...
Does Easter celebrate a man, a savior, or a myth? Some say Jesus never existed and was a myth created...
In an Expression of Cultural Identity, Lost Boys of South Sudan in the U.S. to Take Wrestling Challenge to Youths...
A Sudanese woman SOUTH Sudan’s may have been prophesied in the Bible thousands of years ago. According to a CBN...