PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.


By Cde. Aguil de’Chut Deng, Wednesday, July 09, 2014

Today is an incomplete Celebration of the Independence Day of the Republic of South Sudan , a day of wonder, a day of mix feeling, a day of self confession, a day of travelling, a day of allegations after allegation , a day of finger pointing, names calling and balm shifting, a day of judgment, a day of searching, a day of embarrassment as people, a day of shame as a nation, a day of personal reconciliation, a day of forgiveness and healing , a day of recommitment to the nation, a day of scarifies for the people , a day of remembering the joy of our unity, the strength of mutual respect, the power of our love to nation and the people, the marvel of National Identity, the courage of peace, reconciliation and forgiveness, the temptation of the evil, and the victory of the rights and truth of our people, this day is an incomplete celebration day the 9th /July 2014.

Ladies and gentlemen, dear comrade, there is something in the world that is so beautiful so precious and priceless but so painful to get, so painful but your heart haunt you and you want it so badly, but there is no any other way to get it , something that no one around you is against it, something that everyone who love you want you to have it, but only, only accept through long pain, a painful experience that last for long, but because you want it, and you are supported, you are prepared to go for it.

Something that is very expensive but it worth it, something that will last for long, while your no longer there to enjoy it but you will be remembered by the many for what you have brought to been, as we all know too well nothing is too good with out too much pain, to win or to gain, in sport, business or college to mention but a few, that something.

ladies and gentlemen DEAR COMRADES that something is compare to the experience of women who know best what it means to endure the pain, so you can have a new live or lose the new live when you don’t bear the pain so soon, after the lost you regret your action, not too long after the experience. But most women could bear a child for nine moth and go through labor for days screaming, searching her sold, scratching her body and asking all the whys of so much pain in her heart in her mouth, in silence or screaming loud

All that pain will be forgotten immediately when that something come, that thing is the NEW BABY, when the baby is born the joy will begin and the whole family will start celebrate with tear in their eyes. Let all today reenact the experience of pain of the mother and joy of the family of the new arrival baby, Lets accept our mistakes, lets welcome one another to our hearts and minds, lets forgive our enemies, lets unite our people, lets us safe our nation and lets celebrate our independence together as South Sudanese people who together as one people of one nation brought the precious gifs of all time to our people the delivery of Republic of South Sudan as a New Nation in the world.



Cde. Aguil de’Chut Deng

Peace Activist & Women Advocate

Secretary General

South Sudanese Women Advocacy for Peace (SSWAP)

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