PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.


By Heskey Dzeng

May 1, Thursday was Labour day in the worldwide, but in South Sudan, the workers celebrated it with no pay for three months, they celebrated it in silent-hunger, but guys today Saturday 3, is freedom day, marks a freedom of expression in the worldwide, a day that give everyone opportunity to speaks his/her mind, whether you choose to produce a songs regardless of their provocative or you put your ideas down into writing forms.

So today is my day, I will also celebrate in hunger, pains, mourning, threatening and intimidating, as my ‘Walet’ [pockets] have no SS pounds, not only that but as my hands’ tied, and my mouth’s also glued by fear of life’s threat, as many people advised me that if you want to live longer or to be safe, then do not put your lips on people who are misleading a nation, or do not complain for others but complain for yourself.

So the ball is on me, but no person knows actually years, he/she is going to spend on this planet which has been overshadowed with human disaster and diseases.

Anyway, I will celebrate in hushed, because I do not have joys and strengthen to demonstrate, I am weak, I am still mourning my senior political Analyst and commentator Isaiah Abraham, who was heartless assassinated 16 months ago by the enemies of freedom of expression, by those who are buying richness with bloods of innocent people, corrupters who want to embezzle public money without being reveal, those who want to sell the country indirect without concerns of the citizens.

Since Isaiah Abraham was killed, I have never written an article, because my hands were not able to write, even no words come out on my mind, but today I decide to remind a nation about it and I will write more, if threats allow me.

Though, I do not shake his hand one day time or even I do not know Isaiah Abraham completely, that means it was just physically, but I know him in soul, I feels him in writing, so his earlier departed, has created vacuums in the Countries and especially to all writers at home and abroad, have gave rooms to looters and corrupters to loot the countries.

As I celebrate my ‘Freedom Day’, first I will pay an hour to remember Isaiah Abraham, because Isaiah did not die in vain, only demon people who assassinated him. I believed that Isaiah’s assassinated is genesis of ending of cold-blood killing for writers, activists and journalists in South Sudan, so Isaiah Abraham is second Jesus to me [or us] like late activist Martin Luther to American people, both black and white, who was killed, simply he was advocate for justice, equality, freedom and good governance… Americans is enjoys it, but I hope the same will rain in our land.

While the case was being in hands of government since Commentator has merciless killed in cold-blood at his house, but up to date no report from the government, no culprit was brought to book, though former Information Minister, Barnaba Marial, currently Foreign Affairs Minister, appeared publicly on state-based local television [SSTV] earlier in 2013,deceived the nations that government has arrested some perpetrators, who are behind the death of our prominent person in field of change, but at end of day, I realized Marial and governments are liar, but they know, who killed Isaiah Abraham and they do not want to bring him/her to face justice.

Well, is this the end of Isaiah Abraham’s case in the government? If not, then government must bring people, they were talking last year. Or if the government have hand in assassinated of Isaiah Abraham or are they who killed him as many observers thought it, then the government need to confess or testify, may be we will pardon them or not.

To put it simply, I [or maybe you] would like to know Isaiah Abraham’s death because if I [we] leave it, then more [writers] will join Isaiah Abraham soon, so I cannot tolerate this. Reality must speak, so Isaiah Abraham’s death must to be tells, so that relatives or families and we, can know who killed Isaiah before his mercy creator [God] calls him.

All in all, I do not want Isaiah’s killers to be pardon before we do not know him/her, or will the government tells us; his killer [s] searching is disruptive by ongoing violence in the country. That will be abomination.

Therefore, I call the civil society activists, writers and journalists wherever they are to mounting pressure again to the government, to restart investigation so that next year, we will celebrate a ‘Freedom Day’ as we know who killed commentator Isaiah Abraham.

Rest In Peace [R.I.P]

In God We Must Stand with Victim.

Heskey Dzeng @ 2104

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  1. The reality remains shinning to next generations as solid concrete foundation to whoever remain a live, but not faraway from where we are today, in 2011 late uncle Chol biouway was contesting against Deng Dau Malek for MP representing Twic county while Alier Ayom was contesting against Michael Makuei Lueth for MP representing Bor county as we reviews their records today, do we have the right people to represent our great Bor counties ? Do they really care for they people who votes for them ? And if we thinks they are not represent ing our views, than what can we do particularly we community, as we know that, they are deep involved this senseless war which killed thousands of our people who voted for them during the election of 2011, we know that, the war was designed in their watch,to killed, and destabilised their people whom they represents in the national govt, as matter facts this war was created for a curtained goal as i quoted mr president on the 15 December during the meeting of NLC that he don,t want to see what had happened in 1991 to repeat itself again but it had happen as he said, do we have a right people to represent our community who care and delivered our needs? And if we do have then tell me?

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