PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Presidential term limit is only mean for Peaceful transfer of power in South Sudan

By David Aoloch Bion

In Africa, there are two means of ascending to political power, one is bullet and the other is ballot. In South Sudan Dr. Riek Machar has tried the bullet to overthrow President Salva Kiir but he has failed so far. So Dr. Riek has remained with one mean, the ballot. Will Riek defeat Kiir in election? Absolutely not. Why? I will tell you later.

President of Republic, His Excellency Salva Kiir Mayardit has proven to his political opponents that he is immovable like Small Mountain outside Juba city call Jebel Kujur. And he will remain there as long as he wants. Because he has defeated the strongest man Dr. Riek Machar in the battlefield, he defeated him till he puffed the dust on his eyes. Therefore the mean of ascending to power by bullet for Dr Riek is now closed chapter and so does any politician

In his victory rally, President Kiir said, ‘’ am elected ‘’ of course he is right. He was elected and he will be elected over and over whether elect by 1% he is elected regardless of our ‘’he is weak and failed’’

What is available and remaining now is ballot mean. When it comes to ballot, Dr Riek and President Kiir will go for election, if he President Kiir win, there is no problem he will be declared a winner. If Dr. Riek win, there is ‘’ ‘’nook piny strategy‘’ it means a ‘’bull pierce even if he is knocked down in the bull fight’’, I mean ‘’ rigging of the votes in election ‘’. If Dr Riek wins, the vote will be rigged in favour of Mr. Kiir. Kiir will be declared winner and if Riek complain, Kiir will use state apparatus ( the police , the army etc) to impose law and order with his ‘’am elected ‘’ excuse and platitude, and therefore Riek is defeated once again

Therefore, no politician in South Sudan will defeat President Kiir , because Mr Kiir  has the following thingism

1. ‘’am elected ‘’ game and philosophy and he will be elected every time election come whether elect by 1% he  is elected   2  ”rig the vote’’ strategy  and he will rig the vote, every time the elections come

3. ‘’the state security apparatus’’ strategy   and he will use legitimate force, he every time, you threaten violence

Thus, what is the solution to IMMOVABLE MOUTAIN, one of the founding 5 members of SPLM/A, founding father of nation, President Salva  Kiir Mayardit  ?

Solution is to  Set presidential  term limit , give him  two term , 2 time 5 equal 10 years , whether he win or rig let  him rule after that  he  will leave by Constitution not by the  negative campaigns  like coups or mutinies or civil  wars

Endnote , youth should know that the problem facing the current leaders will face them too , because at the end of the day President Kiir will give power to another crook youth and he will use the same 3 thingism ,

1. He will organize his army to deal with you as Kiir deals with his opponent and he will defeat them as Kiir defeat his political enemies

2. ‘’Am elected ‘’ game

3 ‘’ rig the vote ‘’ strategy

The immediate aim of Presidential  term limits is to distribute the resources fairly , if there is change in leadership , there will be change of money from one group of people to another group , imagine since 2005 , only the same people are controlling the resources /money .

Let us  stop violent campaign

Let  us , youth unite and call for Presidential term limits

Let  us resort to Constitutionalism.

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