The Undemocratic Government of Jonglei State
The Undemocratic Government of Jonglei State: The Critical Analysis of the Illegitimacy of Governor Gen. John Kong and Deputy Governor Baba Medan
By Michael Mading Akueth, Panyagor, South Sudan

March 12, 2015 – U.S. president Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865) defined democracy as: “Government of the people, by the people, for the people”
The term democracy comes from the Greek language and means “rule by the people”. The so-called “democracies” in classical antiquity (Athens and Rome) represent precursors of modern democracies. Like modern democracy, they were created as a reaction to a concentration and abuse of power by the rulers.
In the struggle for survival right leaders who are mandated by the people to talk on theirs behave always chose to keep quiet and leave the flock to find their way to the green pastures. I know the risk that is attach to saying the truth these days but I decided to support the women who led demonstrations in Bor for the removal of governor and deputy governor.
We, as greater Bor community must always ask for what is rightfully ours especially if it is affecting our innocent citizens. Why do our leaders keep quiet and leave the people to be governed by leaders who do not have support from the civil populations? Do our leaders fear to call a spade, a spade? Can a leader from Bor community be appointed to govern in Pibor or Akobo currently?
It is natural law, to know that blood is thicker than water. There is no way we can expect leaders from other communities to build feeder roads connecting our counties. Developments are initiated by the leaders who are passionate and connect to inheritance of the land.
In Principle Jonglei state still exist as per as the government is concern but in reality; It’s doesn’t exist. It got disintegrated in 2013 and 2014 into different greater areas that is greater Pibor administered by David Yau Yau, greater Akobo & Fangak controls by rebels and greater Bor which is being governed by the sons of Pibor and Fangak.
First, the two leaders of Jonglei state were not elected by the people of Jonglei state; they were appointed and the communities have a right to inform the appointing authority that these leaders are longer legitimate because of the new political developments in state. Greater Bor counties are the only counties under the full control of government which the two leaders to govern effectively.
Second, they cannot freely move among the rural and urban population without a huge scaring armies guarding them. They always feel insecure. Truly, who knows someone may harm them so they should risk their lives.Therefore, we need someone who can go to Anyidi , Padiet, Paliau and Koyom without any fear for his life.
A true democracy is supposed to allow the voices of all citizens be heard. All people have a say in the government. In the modern democracy, philosophers defined the essential elements of democracy: separation of powers, basic civil rights / human rights, religious liberty and separation of church and state.
So we have a right as citizens to make our voices heard because these are rights we sacrificed generations. It really doesn’t matter whether it is one voice calling or many. The leaders are bond to listen.
Early this year, Bor women led by courageous woman former chief Took Chuor staged a demonstration in Bor town for the removal of the governor and deputy governor. They were immediately arrested and detent for many days in prison. Nobody really took time to study their case before they were dismissed as inciters.
Greater Bor MPs in Jonglei state and Juba decided to keep quiet because that was not their problem; women’s problem. Who among the women arrested was aspiring to be the governor? None of them but they were forced t act in a lieu of people’s leaders.
We need a governor among the leaders of greater Bor to resettle the IDPs and returnees back to their homes. A governor who can move to the camps of Minkaman, Uganda & Kenya and whom the people can easily identify themselves and listen to him.
We want him to be able to work with the communities leaders to make peace and reconciliation among the IDPs in the protection units and the host communities of greater Bor.
Finally, the Governor and Deputy Governor are leading the government that is undemocratic because they were not elected by the people they are governing. They are illegitimate simply because their constituencies/areas are not longer in the area that is currently called Jonglei state.
When South Sudan got independent; Gen. Salva Kiir ceased from being the vice-President of the Sudan and only remained as the President of Republic of South Sudan. Why does the automatic theory fail in Jonglei State?
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