PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.


By Kur Wel Kur, Australia

March 16, 2015 (SSB) —  It feels revitalising for the best of us to go global, just as it’s, heart wrenching for our weakest link to leak to the mass media outlets.

I believe you know the band, G (roup of)-Dinkas but I will give you a quick reminder, the band consists of our three beloved brothers, Kachuol Mel a.k.a Kc, Garang Dhel a.k.a. Matongriem and Dut Leek a.k.a Dut Chang kut or D-Chain.

They are based at Missouri, Kansas in States (USA). Since the year of its formation, in mid-2009, the trio have pushed themselves to compose and produce unforgettable songs.

With Alaka Moi, G-dinkas KC, Kachuol Manyok and Leek Dominic Leek.
With Alaka Moi, G-dinkas KC, Kachuol Manyok and Leek Dominic Leek.

Their Achievements

SOSA (South Sudanese Music Awards) named G-Dinkas with their song as the best traditional groups and traditional song respectively in 2011 during SOSA Awards in Kansas.

• They also won The Mic Is My Life and Entertainment Award in 2011.

• They mobilised South Sudanese in States (USA) to vote for the separation of South Sudanese during referendum.

• They made celebration of July 9th, 2011, a worthwhile occasion by performing nonstop in the cities where South Sudanese did celebrations for Independence of South Sudan.

• They dedicated their recording label, THE LOST BOYS AND THE LOST GIRLS PRODUCTION INCORPORATED, to the lost boys and lost girls who perished or haven’t made it to the independence of R.O.S.S (Republic of South Sudan).

• They have produced two albums:

a) “Riang Ee Panda”

b) Survival Chain

The common threads (the synergy in their music) that hold their band to exist and thrive

Anyone with an affinity for music industry would definitely know that most bands collapse as soon as they come into existence. The obvious reasons for bands’ failures are undefined or poorly defined goals, conflict of interests among the bands’ members, poor management and valuing of friendship than creativity of a member in the band, just to mention a few.

However, into their fifth year, G-Dinkas have overcome obstacles, which fail, most bands. Apart from giving their fans all over the world what they (fans) need, we must respect them for their high level of professionalism (work ethic) and unity.

We see despair and suffering in everywhere we (South Sudanese) inhabited, because we don’t observe the principles or benefits of working as a team. If I can force us to adopt anything from these amazing brothers, it must be their teamwork (unity).

Anyway, This was what the G-Dinkas had to say when I asked them on the Messenger:

Kur: “G-Dinkas, I or maybe your fans, would like to know what keeps you together? Because most bands don’t survive their first two years.”

G-Dinkas: “The struggles of our people, fighting for so long, and we also want to let the world know about the 50 years of oppression with the history that nobody talks about in the world stage or media”

Peace building machines and promoters of Africans’ languages

G-Dinkas’ music with hits such as “South Sudan is our country”, promote peace and unity among South Sudanese. And by using different languages such as Kiswahili, English, Arabic, Nuer and Dinka to convey their messages, G-Dinkas show a sense of inclusiveness.

As they globalise their South Sudanese’s music, “Thuong Jang” (Dinka’s language) and “Thok Naath” (Nuer’s language) peep in the Windows of the globalisation. A great opportunity for our languages because they (languages) define us; and through them (languages), our cultures evolve.

For a language to survive, it has to be in written form (poetries and songs).

Their music is progressive so you find their fans on Facebook, Twitter and in terms of views of their uplifting music on YouTube. I stumbled upon some of their rhythmic and melodious songs such as “Yala, Yala” and they moved me with their breathy and bright timbre.

The impacts of their music

connecting us to our roots, their music explores the darkest sides of our struggle history. Metaphoric statements ooze out of G-Dinkas’ music. Statements such as “Koch ace dheng ne wuur ke rou” in the album “Riang de Panda”, meaning, once you cross the border to another nation, you lose respect and you will (do donkey’s work) work almost to your death.

Listening to their music, a lot fans find themselves on the dance floor, shaking off the fatigue that comes with them from home to the concert.

Their souls (fans’) take mental flights to wonderlands, a land full of Healing beats and mesmerising sounds. G-Dinkas’ music showers down that chronic pain and depression. If you ask me about the chemistry behind their music healing ingredients, I will refer you to either a biochemist or a psychologist to tell you the answer but no doubts that their music will cure you of nostalgia.

Their music: a full rejuvenation of the body, the mind and the soul, G-Dinkas are the batteries of the entertainment. If you ask their fans, they will confirm it. So if you need to be wealthy in history of our country and stay smart to the end… then their music will serve you well. Get yourself a dose of their beautiful and powerful songs on iTunes.

Otherwise, G-Dinkas’ prospect is bright and amazing because they are kin in bettering arsenal of skills in the way they make music. G-Dinkas’ music is progressive and amazing; l listened to it for three days in order to suck in, emotions from their lyrics and beats for me to pour them (emotions) into writing this article.

And no doubts, that they’re the globalists of South Sudanese’s music. Their passions reverberate through their songs. G-Dinkas are the catalyst for change in the South Sudanese’s music industry.

Garange Dhel, Dut Leek and Kachoul Mel
Garange Dhel, Dut Leek and Kachoul Mel

The future direction of G-Dinkas, the trio is working on their two new albums so stay tune, coming soon.

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