PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Jieng Community in Arua, Uganda, Congratulates President Kiir for the 28 Governors

4 min read


January 21, 2016 (SSB)  —-  Jieng Community Living in West Nile, Uganda, would like to send a congratulations message to his Excellency the president of Republic of South Sudan for creating 28 states and immediate appointment of the new governors.

This has been a demand of the people of this young nation and surely Mr. President you have successfully given us our rights and we are ready to develop and be able to rule ourselves in our respective states.

Such a brilliant moves is one of the milestone in the history of this country and the people of south Sudan shall not forget your wonderful work you did to the nation.

We now believe that your government Mr. president has fulfilled the mission and vision of SPLM of taking towns to villages and now seen by the citizens and the whole world.

Jieng Community Leaving in Arua Uganda is yet to celebrate the creation of new states on Monday 24th, January 2016. Jieng community living in Arua Uganda believe that South Sudan would be developed faster because each and every state government is responsible for the development of the state.

By having multi-cultural society people can learn the tradition and culture of different states. By having state government it is easy to find out the detail of any person who is against government has detail of everyone by its state wise. The benefits of the government policies can be implemented very easily.

However, we believe that there are demerits that may arise in creation of these new states. Some of these demerits is that all states may not have equal opportunity to developed, some states which have oil can become richer and some become poor like those states which don’t produce oil and other mean contentious issue is border disputes among the local people who reside along the border line and that is of one more cause to fight.

Increased borders means more fights. However, we believe that the government would iron out all these complicated border problems amicably and through peaceful means.

We believe that following measures would reduce border disputes among our people in south Sudan. They include:

Regular depart to measure the border time to time.

Monitoring from the level of national diplomats.

Establishment of a well-trained national security force in the border area.

Strictly elimination of residing in the no man’s land areas.

Provision of identity card in border areas.

Improve awareness of the residuals in border areas.

Self-empowerment of the residual of border areas.

Mobilization of local bodies to protect the land.

Wider consensus amongst the political parties and elimination of political motivation on common national agendas.

Cross security by both countries in border area.

Our recommendation to you Mr President is that you should never listen to those procrastinators whose their aim is to consider you as a failure in order for them achieve their interests. Such people never need you to do good things to your people.

We therefore, assured you that shall be with you day and night and where ever you go.

The Jieng community in West Nile are united here in Uganda and also are committed to support you in all your procrastinations.

Long live South Sudan………………..

Long live the 64 tribes……………….

Long Live President Salva………….

Long live SPLM party and other parties..:………

The congratulations message was endorsed by the following members in a meeting held on 4th Jan. 2016 at Abiriambati Dinka church in Arua town.

  1. Ayuen Geu…….chairperson of JUSA from Jonglei state.
  2. Mawien Marko…vice chairperson from Warrap
  3. Gabriel Mawech… Information minister from Lake State.
  4. Mama Jor Mel ….chief Justice from Awiel.

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