PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

An Open Letter to Governor Bona Panek Biar of Twic State

5 min read

                                                                                      1st March 2016

An Open Letter to

Hon. Bona Panek Biar,

Appointed Governor of Twic State,

Republic of South Sudan

“Justice as Fairness” John Rawls

Subject: Condemnation of your recent unilateral gubernatorial decisions and actively working against sound conflict mitigation efforts in Twic State

Dear Hon. Bona Panek,

March 2, 2016 (SSB)  —-  The leadership and members of Amuol Community in diaspora are utterly dismayed and disappointed by the news of your recent unilateral acts of defiance and disregard to Amuol constituencies’ constitutional right to willfully choose their representatives.  Be rightfully informed that we are not surprised at all by your actions, as they are a true manifestation of your long espoused sectional and narcissist politics. We are fully aware of your intentions regardless of the miserable efforts exerted to try to disguise such dubious Machiavellianism.

We condemn in the strongest terms possible your cunning and duplicitous actions below as they are unfair, unjust, divisive to the core, counterproductive and laden with incompetence to say the least:

  • Unilateral formation of the Twic State Cabinet prior to the conference without the consultations and participation of all the constituencies of Twic State instead of focusing your efforts on creating a platform for a genuine and inclusive dialogue through Twic Conference

  • Unilateral appointment of the members of Amuol constituencies into the Twic State Transitional Legislative Assembly without the consent, consultation and involvement of the would be governed people of Amuol despite their clear and loud demand not to be included in your government until when the issues of conflict are resolved.

  • Threats of you and your government bewitching the people of Amuol in a broad day light for resisting your divisive old school politics instigated and masterly crafted by non other than the faceless men whom you blindly represent and have become a puppet to as a means of appeasing them to continue to guarantee your political survival

  • Your explicit application, deployment and display of divide and rule strategies through the conspicuously manipulative and treacherous politics of narcissism to the dignified and peace loving people of Twic State whose sacrifices and nationalistic contributions to South Sudan’s birth are unmatched.

  • Active interference, distortion and usurpation of the powers and roles of the known traditional leaders of Twic who historically led their people with zeal, valour and honor, and seeking to replace or promote your stooges and boot lickers as alternatives.

  • Wide spread corruption through the monetary bribery, nepotism, and meritless appointments of cronies to influence and hold at ransom people’s views and position on the illegal and mid-night transfer of Twic’s capital.

Hon. Governor, the above few points are just but a soft reminder and a wakeup call for you to come back to your senses and be the unifying leader that we the people of Twic have always presumed you are. We strongly urge you to grab this constructive criticism, reflect and reform now, and be the neutral champion of our collective aspirations and dreams or risk a full blown opposition from the majority of Twic whom you have taken for granted as we rightly speak. Perhaps you need to conduct your own research and inform your own self on what it means to be an impartial spectator in conflicts and a leader of the democratic people in the era of 21st Century. Nobody has ever dictated his/her will on the citizenry of Twic and succeeds, try it and I can assure, you will be a miserable statistic and history soon!! Alas reform!

Hon. Governor, the fact that you hastily formed both the Twic State Cabinet and Transitional Legislative assembly just before the much hyped Twic Conference set by yourself for 16th March is called a ‘bad faith’ in politics; By doing so, you have prematurely pre-empted and decided the outcomes of the conference, can you now tell us why the people of Twic should still go ahead with such poorly planned and ill-intended conference? You and your cronies must be taking the intelligence and the value of the people of Twic for a penniless grant!

Nonetheless the people of Twic we know will not allow such malicious intentions to eventuate on their watch, to the chagrin of the conspiring lots!

Hon. Panek, We can’t suggest to you a better lesson than the decision reached by President Kiir and his cabinet recently not to form the partial transitional government in the Republic of South Sudan until when and after the arrival of Kiir’s arch enemy and rival, Dr. Riek to Juba. This is a serious moral lesson to you on what leaders do to create and achieve peace and tranquility amongst the governed. If

In conclusion, your actions since your appointment have evidently heightened and exacerbated the disagreement over the relocation of Twic Capital from Turalei to Mayen Abun. And as hopeless as the chances of a constructive solution coming out of your government is, we are still giving you the benefit of doubt and time will tell if we were right or wrong! But your recent chain of poor decisions is surely not the way to a start a promising new state!

Lastly, we wholeheartedly thank our peace loving people back in Twic for continuing to resist and stand up on their feet peacefully in the face of tyranny, obvious divide and rule, bribery and manipulative strategies, all instigated by old school outdated vengeance seeking and miserable politicians whose last remaining wish is to leave some sort of a legacy within their sections of the state, not knowing they are leaving behind a very dangerous precedent.

Thank you

Signed on behalf of the leadership and members of Amuol Community in diaspora


Bol Nyuol Bol, Chairman, Amuol Cummunity Association in Australia


Garang Yaac Arop, Chairman, Amuol Community Association in USA



Atem Malou Deng, Chairman, Amuol Community Association in Canada


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