PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

South Sudan Certificate of Secondary Examination (SSCSE): Three of the top four students come from Jonglei state

By Mach Samuel Peter, Bor, Jonglei State

October 4, 2016 (SSB) — Jonglei state despite being the most affected states during the past few years of South Sudan crisis is ranking the best all over the republic of South Sudan with Bor College winning the trophy of South Sudan Certificate of Secondary Examination (SSCSE).

The Ministry of General Education has released the results for the South Sudan Certificate of Secondary Education today with four top students from Jonglei State ranked top by John Ajak Tiit Ajak of Bor College with closely 100% win of 97.4%

Student ranking: The best ten students are

  1. John Ajak Tiit Ajak, Bor College in Jonglei;
  2. Thomas Mark Joseph Lako, Juba Diocesan in Jubek;
  3. Daniel Mathiang Thon Anuol, Alliance High in Jonglei;
  4. Chol John Deng Kuir, Bor College in Jonglei;
  5. Nathaniel Chol Gakeer Alier, Excel International in Yei River;
  6. Mathew Onen Terence Charles, Juba Diocesan in Jubek;
  7. Jacob Deng Bol Deng, Excel International Yei River;
  8. Simon Tut Chuol Nyuot, Juba Academy in Jubek;
  9. Kuot Emmanuel Madhuk Kuot, Dr. John Garang National in Jubek;
  10. Daniel Akech Riak Mach, Malek Academy Jonglei; and
  11. Zambako Gabriel Michael Mordecai, Bishop Abangite in Gbudwe.

School ranking: The top ten schools of SSCSE are:

  1. Standard Secondary School in Wau,
  2. Bishop Abangite College in Gbudwe,
  3. Juba Diocesan Model in Jubek,
  4. Yei Girls Secondary School in Yei River,
  5. Comboni SS in Jubek,
  6. Yapa National Secondary School in Jubek,
  7. Chukudum Secondary School in Namurnyang,
  8. Langbaar Modern School in Jonglei,
  9. Savana High School in Western Lakes and
  10. Malek Academy in Jonglei.

Out of almost 8,000 candidates who sat, roughly 6,000 passed, representing a passing rate of 77.9%. Last year, only 50 percent of the candidates passed. The results show that male candidates have consistently performed better than female candidates. 79.4 of male candidates passed the examination compared to 74.3% of females. However, the difference has reduced this year compared to last year, in which only 54.6% of male and 41 percent of female candidates passed.

Shared subjects between the South Sudan & the Sudan curriculum have dominated the well-performed subjects while Agriculture and General science have been poorly performed. An analysis of the results also shows that the candidature for South Sudan-based curriculum examinations has been systematically increasing for the last 5 years.

In a document signed by the Chairperson of South Sudan examination council also the minister for general education Hon. Deng Deng Hoc, The chairperson commend the cooperation between the South Sudan national examination council and the ministry of national security, CID and police administration who went a long way to ensure the security of examination materials as well as the security of the candidates during the examination.

The examinations were administered to 22,188 candidates in 177 centers across the country. 7870 candidates registered for the South Sudan based curriculum, 13,977 registered for Sudan based curriculum, 224 registered for commercial section, 111 registered for technical section and 10 registered for agriculture section.

The performance of the candidates in 2015/2016 SSCSE examination has greatly improved 77.9 percent as compared to the previous years. The male candidates have consistently performed better than female candidates 79.4% of male having passed the examinations compared to 74.3 female candidates.

Best Ten students in 2015/2016 SSCSE examination

No. Index Name in full Section Gender Percentage School State
1. 32459 John AJak Tiit Ajak Sciences M 97.4 Bor college
2. 29640 Thomas Mark Joseph Lako Arts M 92.2 Juba Diocese Jubek
3. 32405 Daniel Mathiang Thon Annuol Science M 92 Alliance High Jonglei
4. 32455 Chol John Deng Kuir Science M 92 Bor College Jonglei
5. 28723 Nathaniel Gakeer Chol Alier Science M 92 Excel International Yei River
6. 29457 Mathew Onen Torrence Charles Arts M 91.5 Juba Diocses Jubek
7. 28744 Jacob Deng Bol Deng Science M 91.4 Excel international Yei River
a.      6. 29027 Simon Tut Chuol Nyuot Science M 91.4 Juba Academy Jubek
8. 28496 Kuot Emmanuel Maduk Kuot Science M 91.1 Dr. John Garang National Juba Jubek
9. 32483 Daniel Akech Rak Mach Science M 91 Malek Academy Jonglei
10. 102383 Zambako Gabriel Michael Mordecai Science M 91 Bishop Abangite Gbudwe

The best female students in 2015/2016 SSCSE Examinations

S/No. Index Name in full Percentage School State
29447 Viola Poni Scopas Mogga 90.2 Juba Diocese Jubek
29438 Hiba Gabriel Lado Bilal 89.9 Juba Diocese Jubek
29442 Manuela Chandia Antonny Duku 89.4 Juba Diocese Jubek
29398 Christine Sumure Michale Loke 89.3 Juba Diocese Jubek
29400 Elizabeth Liz Isaac Gideon 89.3 Juba Diocese Jubek
29414 Victoria Muding Duku Manaseh 89.1 Juba Diocese Jubek
28683 Mira Musa Nimir Abdulgadir 88.7 Excel International Yei River
29441 Joy Kiden Eliaba Loro 88.7 Juba Diocese Jubek
29408 Sarah Kaku Santino Lou 88.6 Juba Diocese Jubek
29392 Anna Jotto Ambrose Pati 88.3 Juba Diocese Jubek
29439 Jerisa Gyinisia Samuel Amuzai 88.3 Juba Diocese Jubek

The 2015/2015 SSCSE examinations were administered by approximately 2500 personnel who included SSNEC’s staff, staff from the ministry of general education and county education.

The candidates can collect their official results from examination centers or state Ministry of education and instruction offices

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