PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Governor Philip Aguer welcomes re-division of Jonglei into two states

By Mach Samuel Peter, Bor, Jonglei State

October 20, 2016 (SSB) — The governor of Jonglei State H.E. Philip Aguer Panyang Jot has earnestly welcomes the division of new Jonglei state into Bor and Jonglei States. The governor reveals following the campaign for governorship of Bor state in Juba where the idea originated. The decree for the re-division of Jonglei state is expected before the end of this month.

In an exclusive interview with PaanLuel Wël website, Aguer said the map of South Sudan justifies the argument that Jonglei state is larger and populace enough to be divided into two states. The new Bor state will comprise of the 8 counties of former Bor County meanwhile Jonglei state will be a combination of 6 counties of former Duk and Twic East counties.

The Greater Bor community leadership in Juba, the members of parliament where the idea originated from adopted the idea and forwarded it to the president of the republic of South Sudan Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit. Jonglei State governor said if the national level and Greater Bor community in Juba finalize the division it must be welcome at all levels of Jonglei state government because planning and budgeting are as well done at national level.

Aguer said the idea of separating counties into states will not affect unity of Greater Bor as some individuals assumption of decentralization is seen to be more conflict-ridden.

“This is idea definitely is not about the position is about decentralization and devolution of powers, I was brought to this position by the community and if the community would like more than one state then why would I reject it. Secondly, if the political elite whether in the assembly or SPLM party agree to that then I must agree to it too and I should not be sensitive about the position because if they promote one of the Payams and they say it is a state and they tell me Philip go and run it, I will go and run it because this is how the states are coming so I will still be part of it whether we have ten states or 3 states I will be there,” Philip Aguer told Mach Samuel in an interview in his office.

He appeals to the Greater Bor community to harmonize for togetherness to encourage bottom up approach of development instead of development being planned from the top.

Since 2005, there is less involvement of communities in the development of South Sudan. Development strategic goals are being planned from the top which have not reached some villages. The communities in swampy areas of Jonglei state came to realize the independence of South Sudan after five 2 years when the war erupted mid December.

Five ministers of Jonglei State government including the governor and 14 county commissioners have no cars. The idea of re-division of Jonglei state might also incorporate the cars, office construction and infrastructural development of the new states.

“Since I was appointed the governor, I have no car and we have been waiting from the former minister for finance who promise new cars or the 28 states at least we have not seen any vehicle in Jonglei State,” Governor Aguer said.

“If at all there will be radical change, may five ministers who are footing will have vehicles then commissioners. The shortcut for the 14 commissioners to have cars is the community approach because the counties have resources provided by community as it works in Latin America and Southern Asia guided by vision,”  he concluded.

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