PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Press Statement: SPLM-IO condemns the deportation of James Gatdet Dak to Juba

SPLM (IO) Condemns the Deportation by the Government of Kenya of the Press Secretary of the Chairman of SPLM (IO) to Juba

Riek vs Taban
The battle over the SPLM-IO leadership

November 4, 2016 (SSB) —- This afternoon the Government of the Republic of Kenya deported Mr. James Gatdet Dak, the Press Secretary of the SPLM (IO) Chairman, to Juba the Capital of the Republic of South Sudan. On his arrival to Juba International Airport at 3 PM local time, Mr. James Gatdet Dak was arrested and is now said to be in the custody of National Security Service.

Mr. James Gatdet Dak was arrested from his residence yesterday by Kenyan Security who went there in three vehicles. The office of the representative of SPLM (IO was informed that the order of the arrest came from the government. The Chairman of SPLM (IO) was informed about the development and he immediately contacted the Kenyan Authorities.

On a telephone conversation with the Deputy President H.E. William Ruto, he appealed that Mr. James Gadet Dak should not be deported to Juba due to profound fear for his life. He also spoke to the Attorney General and attempted to speak with the Minister of Foreign Affairs. He alerted them of the fact that Mr. James Gadet Dak was an urban refugee under the protection of the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) in Kenya. Unfortunately, his appeal was ignored.

The UNHCR on its part made serious efforts in order to reverse the decision to deport Mr. James Gadet Dak but without success.

The deportation of Mr. James Gadet Dak is a violation of the Geneva Convention. Moreover, the Kenyan Government is a guarantor to the peace agreement that was signed in August 2015 and we do not expect that it would put in danger the life of an innocent person. The SPLM (IO) therefore condemns this act in the strongest terms possible.

Finally, the SPLM (IO) appeals to the international community particularly the UN and UNHCR to ensure Mr. James Gatdet Dak is immediately released and reunited with his family.

Col. Nyarji Jermlili Roman, D/Spokesperson

Office of the chairman and commander in chief of SPLM/A IO

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