PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Achier Manyuat John: The champion of shenanigans and false bravados of South Sudan

By Emmanuel Ariech Deng, Juba –South Sudan


April 13, 2017 (SSB) —- A wonderful place is always full of wonders “says the English idiom. Therefore, South Sudan a country of no shame, has allowed pretenders to smuggle their way onto the top of the stage and started playing the  helter-skelter rhapsodies to prove themselves qualified to the audience for whatever they do at due circles.

Notwithstanding John in his protracted recusal to refrain from barbaric and unconventional stratagem, it is my right and time for me (the victim) of his continued pathological tarnishing of innocent personalities to response to him in an intellectual approach. In an attempt to depreciate him and have him adjust his lengthy tongue over peoples’ reputation, he must be exposed to feel the consequences of big mouthing culture.

When I wrote an opinion piece early January 2017 about the fiasco of Gogrial Governor appointment, John was the first to meddle his nose into the matter with the Facebook Comments that reads “This article is bad and I condemn it”, I thought he could go further to compose the encountering article and divert the readers’ mind in believing what I wrote as factual as it was.

However, I waited in vain and he went head to capitalize on the story using a dirty maneuvering along with his pathetic syndicates at the closest personal company and vicinity.

Without going over all of Achier’s shenanigans that led to this writing piece of warning, it is healthy to say that while he was trying out his usual ways of acquiring wealth or making money, he actually made things much more flagrant than he should have refrained from dragging me- the untouchable writer (in international category) into questioning each other’s character which has never been my priority in this growing writing profession.

So, dear community of readership, do not be surprised of what has become of me but that is the only option left to avenge and compelled to discipline this big mouth bragger whom I have endured his negative utterances for quite long, with him not sparing little of my inbuilt compassion.

There is also something to consider as well. The innocent traditional elder Manyuat Aken thought he had successfully transformed his sons into modern world; however, he had just significantly wasted his resources on a bunch of dingbats who have persistently lied over their own previous lies in lieu of resorting to reformation. They called this kind of behaviors an immense qualification, experience and money generating.

I felt a pity on those students he teaches at Kampala University-Juba branch and wondered of what intellectual thoughts being imparted into them by an elephant in a classroom if not a monster in a lecture hall.

Let us wait with anticipation to read the rebuttal of his claimed philosophical coherency in writing- from the said master degree holder-Achier Manyuat John. If the duncery of spreading a black lie regarding PhD candidacy doesn’t stop while current qualification remains practically in doubt, then it is so surprising and counterintuitive.

So now, the readers will have a reasonable chance to judge the exchange of academic blows between a basic degree holder-Emmanuel Ariech and a master degree holder submerged by PhD Student-Achier Manyuat. But in the meantime, Manyuat John closest friends, in-laws and the cliques have still the gutsy to assist if John deserves to continue with the same bizarre or change course to tautology from this unjust status quo.

The publically sung prodigal and despicable academic achievement is just a botch of hardcopies that could be hardly proven to the watching adjudicators in both (writing and oral presentation) practicalities. As seen in this light, John’s systematic education history has remained unclear to me and many others in the serial trio of Yei, Kampala and Nairobi cities.

The guy in profuse physical fitness and shoddy body movement is an unrealistic draconian, who is yet to shamefully face the realities of living the life of pathological lying, fake claims and women-type gossiping invested in the constant miasma of shenanigans and false bravados in our impoverished generation.

In his blatant efforts to confuse and convince the quorums he hilariously gossips to and pathetically lies to, the dunderhead drastically failed to anchor any accommodation of these ill-intentioned tarnishing of other peoples’ names and characters, all emanating from Manyuat John in his invisible dirty business.

To reserve some brotherhoods, mind your business Mr.John and leave me alone because I do not condone some nonsenses tainted with palpable pre-occupation strongly smeared in blackmailing of others and barbaric manners prohibited in the latest world of twenty-first century where judgment of exceptional (s) come from others not a trumpeting duty of oneself.

To remind my profound readers and fans in case Achier risks to show up in this famous blog, I would this time elevate the level of articulation to cast some smiles at the faces of fans as you enjoy reading the second article insinuated with the Hollywood Comedian English to describe and make Achier understand that, there are unsung heroes or heroines in South Sudan too.

To rest my pen, hiring of someone else to write for you the (master degree holder) would be a laughing stock and a crime of plagiarism. Kind Regards and welcome to the podium.

The writer is a cognoscente and holds a Bachelor Degree in (Bsc-IT) Kampala Int’l University-Uganda. Extensive writer to this blog. Reach him via

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