PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

National Dialogue Committee Returns to Juba after Kenya and Uganda Trips

National Dialogue Steering Committee: Sub-committee on Refugees & International Outreach

Media Briefing on consultations in Uganda and Kenya

Juba International Airport

2:40 PM / December 05th, 2017

Press Release

Good after Noon ladies and gentlemen of the press

National Dialogue, concept reflictions by Mading Deng
“In this polarized and polarizing conflict, perceptions can overshadow reality, and whatever the equation of the power structures, the Dinka are being seen as having replaced the Arabs as the rulers in an ethnically unjust system. As the various ethnic groups converge against what they perceive as Dinka domination, the Dinka in turn begin to perceive themselves as targeted and paradoxically as in imminent danger of a genocidal onslaught. They therefore strive to mobilize themselves in self-defense.” – Dr Francis Mading Deng – SOUTH SUDAN NATIONAL DIALOGUE; Conceptual Reflections page 43

December 05, 2017 (SSB) — The leadership of the National Dialogue’s Subcommittee on Refugees and International Outreach would wish to extend its gratitude and appreciations to the media for the good coverage of the consultations in the Republics of Uganda and Kenya. We equally thank and acknowledge the keen interests of our public and listeners, viewers, or readers of various media; electronic, broadcast and print.

We have returned today from Uganda and Kenya after more than three weeks of consultations with our citizens living in those two countries. Our mission started on November 13/11 2017 in Kampala, Uganda for seven days where we met representatives of the stakeholders and consult with them for three days at Royale Imperial Hotel and we had consulted differently staff members of our diplomatic mission to the Republic of Uganda.

The embassy officials were met, not in their capacity as government employees but as citizens of the Republic of South Sudan living outside the country. Consultations in Kampala were attended by about three hundred South Sudanese from different demographic and professional backgrounds with consideration to regional representation.

The team took a mission to refugees’ settlements in five districts of Yumbe, Lamuo, Arua, Moyo and Ivembe of Wat Nile region of the Republic of Uganda. The first leg began at Arua and Yumbe Districts; Whereby refugees’ representatives and stakeholders gathered in Arua Heritage Court Hotel for three days.

The consultations were both tearing, emotional, and aggressive, but eventually beneficial to refugees and to the process of the National Dialogue. Two hundred representatives attended from two settlements of Ivembe and Rhino refugee’s camps respectively.

Thereafter; the team traveled from Arua to Moyo, Adjumani and Lamuo districts; where similar consultative processes were held at the Christian Youth Centre in Adjumani.

We have seen; Hunger, frustration, future uncertainty and hopelessness dominating the proceeding and discussions of the National Dialogue therein. However, the refugees were able to articulate what they Think is a problem in the Republic of South Sudan currently and what should be done to avert the situation in such circumstances. They further argued the South Sudan they want and how that can be attained.

The meetings in three districts brought two hundred and sixty (260) delegates of the stakeholders. The National Dialogue Steering Committee team members included categories as civil society activists, political parties and certain armed groups in those consultations amongst local hosting communities, host government, and UNHCR.

The Subcommittee on Refugees and International Outreach was advised by the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) not to proceed to one of the settlements called Kiryandogo.

After this one-week long consultative action in refugees’ settlements; the team left Adjumani for Entebbe through to Kenya, where we arrived at Nairobi on the 25/11/2017 and commenced our meetings on the 27/11/2017 with South Sudanese community leadership in the Republic of Kenya to prepare and plan for the consultations and the distribution of representatives of the stakeholders.

There was a sense of misinformation and apprehension of what exactly was the mission of the National Dialogue in Kenya. After the mission details were known, the leaders took
Upon themselves to help in the preparation and selection of representatives, therefore; consultations commenced on the 29/11/2017 and ended on the 1/12/2017.

In the same line as Uganda, South Sudanese found it appropriate not to miss this national platform; they gave their frank, open and honest contributions on what they think are the root causes of the current war in our country. It is important to note that; South Sudanese where ever they are, they love South Sudan because they have contributed to its liberation and independence.

Meanwhile, the Subcommittee on Refugees and International Outreach was not able to get necessary arrangements for possible consultations in Kakuma and Kalobeyei refugees’ Settlements in Turkana District of the Republic of Kenya.

We might be aware that, Kenya has just concluded its electoral process and the cabinet is yet to be nominated, thus; the host government and our embassy in Kenya were not able to reach a green light for the subcommittee to visit the refugees’ settlements for consultations as UNHCR is equally handicapped by the same reason.

Four hundred and eighty (480) people participated in various consultations in Kenya, it is therefore worth mentioning that representatives of communities came as far as Kapenguria, Kitale, Eldoret, Nakuru, Nyeri, Karatina, Thika, Machakos and the city of Nairobi. The team would like to refer you to check the and our Facebook page;

The consultative sessions were broadcasted live on our Facebook page which was watched by over fifty thousand people across the world.

In conclusion, allow me to extend specific messages of thanks to all the citizens of the Republic of South Sudan residing in various refugee’s settlements, cities and towns in the Two sisterly countries of Uganda and Kenya. We equally upload the host governments of the Republics of Uganda and Kenya. We are also indebted to extend our gratitude to UNHCR, UNDP, Resident District Commissioners, Refugees Desk Officers in those countries where our population has taken sanctuary.

Finally, on behalf of the National Dialogue Sub-committee on Refugees and International Outreach; I take this opportunity to thank the Co-chairs and the leadership of NDSC for any success of this mission.

As I end here, I would like to appeal to our public to give National Dialogue a chance to consult and prepare for an inclusive, transparent and fair homegrown initiative where all South Sudanese discuss their destiny and help in fixing current problems of refuge, internal displacement, insecurity, economic hardship and state of affairs in our young nation.

Authorized by Hon. Deng Dau Deng on Behalf of Sub-Committee of Refugees & International Outreach at Nairobi, Kenya

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