PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Hon. Nunu Kumba has constitutional powers to appoint and dismiss SPLM officials

By Deng Akok Muordid, Juba, South Sudan
March 10, 2018 (SSB) — In response to Mr. David Deng Chapath’s article entitled “the lack of democracy in the SPLM” published by the Dawn newspaper on Date 7th March 2018, I as a true and faithful member of SPLM do strongly condemned the unwise and an impudent statement made by David Deng against our visionary acting secretary general Madam Nunu Kumba. Mr. Chapath’s article was intended to discourage the public from joining the historical party, the SPLM and for this reason I am appealing to whoever have read it not to believe in his misleading information. Chapath’s article should be treated as baseless information since it lacked credibility. He himself has no confident in what he wrote about SPLM party.

David Deng in his article talked of SPLM being destroyed by Nunu Kumba whom he accused of appointing friends in SPLM chapter and youth league in Uganda. What Mr. David Deng should know is that we don’t have enemies in SPLM party and any member is treated as a friend. In addition Hon Nunu Kumba as an acting secretary general of SPLM has constitutional powers to appoint and dismiss any recommended member as a leader of SPLM youth or student body. If Mr. David Deng attacked our acting secretary general because he or his friend was not appointed as a chairman of SPLM chapter in Uganda then he should be regarded as an opportunist within the SPLM party.                                                                                                     Mr. David Deng Chapath also alleged that our acting secretary general was promoting corruption to the higher level in SPLM party through the appointment of individuals based on friendship rather than the merits. The example he gave is the appointment of Mr. Anthony, the former SPLM youth league as a new chairman of SPLM chapter in Uganda. Actually Mr. David Deng did not know what he was saying and he thought that he was talking at the bar rather than in the social media. By the way, Mr. Anthony was a former chairman of SPLM youth league in Uganda. He accomplished many achievements in office as a chairman of SPLM youth league in Uganda. But after the end of his tenure in office, he was recommended by the members of SPLM in Uganda to be the chairman of SPLM chapter. So our acting secretary general acted in response to the recommendation by appointing him (Mr. Anthony) as a new chairman of SPLM chapter in Uganda. Is it a corruption for a leader to implement the demand of her people? The people of South Sudan need to be informed that SPLM has completely eradicated corruption. I cannot deny. The corruption was being practiced in SPLM before 2013. After 2013, the corrupt individuals who were practicing it departed from SPLM and many of them formed their own political parties. SPLM party is now freed from any corruption practice.                                                                     Mr. David Deng Chapath in his article also dreamed about SPLM eventual disappearance from the political environment of South Sudan in few years to come. The above statement should be described as a wishful thinking. His dream about the SPLM disappearance from the scene of politics in South Sudan will never come true. He is trying to destroy SPLM through the use of propaganda. The Islamic government in Khartoum tried to get rid of SPLM by any means but it failed to success and some South Sudanese have tried to destroy SPLM but they also failed. Will the man of propaganda manage to destroy SPLM? Mr. David Deng chapath also talked of lack of democracy, accountability and transparency in SPLM. If there is no accountability in SPLM, where are the corrupt officials now? Many corrupt individuals have run away from SPLM in order to escape accountability. In addition to that, there is democracy in SPLM and that is why we are able to elect our own leaders.                                                                                                                                                                          I would like to conclude this article by informing my readers that I am neither a political secretary for SPLM affairs nor a private secretary to Madam Nunu Kumba but it is our collective responsibility as true members of SPLM to depend our historical party leaders from any internal or external ill intentioned individuals.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Therefore, I would apologize to the SPLM secretary for political affairs and Madam Nunu’s press secretary for interfering in their work.
Long live SPLM                                                                                                                                                                                                            Long live President Salva Kiir                                                                                                                                                                                      Long live Madam Nunu Kumba                                                                                                                                                                                                                Long live all the heads of SPLM secretariat
The writer is a South Sudanese student at the University of Juba. He can be reached via mob: +211954764508 or email:

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