PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

The Importance of Peace and Political Stability in South Sudan (Part 8)

By David Matiop Gai, Juba, South Sudan


March 22, 2018 (SSB) — The sixty-four (64) tribes in South Sudan must have roles and common agendas for peace, security, public rest and development. The community role for peace and development takes lack of high scales about our environment because what do we have as the community to resolve war issues? But our vulnerability imposed severely today-tomorrow consequences of conflict.

 I was much interested in local community initiatives and community conceptions of conflict resolutions which may later lead to conflict prevention and conflict mitigation. For today role of communities in peace and security upholding benefits in the developmental sector for all sixty-four tribes because there will be no more insecurity that may threaten development.

On other views, communities are multi-sectorial dimensions that will help the government address domestic environment, economic inequalities, and prevent defaming state sovereignty from different structure forms from global, regional, and other warning cross-cuttings.

Community role in peace for sustainable development but complicated issues have overwhelmingly torn South Sudan apart.  Failure to sustain peace as far as war and conflict resulting from internal disputes within rural communities apart from national conflict

The most inability by communities to managed disputes contributes to underdevelopment and extreme poverty. My aims about peace and why I am interested in peace trucks is a specific recommendation on how best we can improve peace daily and design strategies to promote peace and togetherness within South Sudanese communities.

 We are all human beings, and we are all important despite our differences and challenges pertaining the cost of conflict. Our tribes and different diversities enrich South Sudan. Therefore, without sixty-four tribes, we had in different geographical areas implies negativity for the country. Presence of tribes in South defines other tribes in the country.

At the community level, community leaders always contribute to sustainable peace, security, harmony, and cohesion. Good traditional leaders in the community hierarchy including youths and women groups can play a vital role in peace, and helping communities to rebuild trust, and cultivate the culture of peace among the devastated communities in the country.

 In every society, local administration in the community know the importance of peace and therefore native play significant role in planning issues of tribal disputes, peace, forgiveness, and reconciliation toward permanent security and political stability for all.

Earlier this year, chiefs and other traditional leaders in the different hierarchy have responsibilities through national dialogue in promoting peace and coexistence among communities across South Sudan. But what I know, all South Sudanese are problems, either in opposition groups or in government because each group has points of disagreement that causes disputes.

Moreover, all South Sudanese are partners of peace, and at the same time, they are the solution to problems. That’s why promoting peace and communal cohesion can reduce high political tensions and economic crisis that may culminate in the new good face toward our economic recovery and political stability.

 In order to achieve peace and stability, we need to plan strategies and approaches to building peace and social cohesion. We need to build trust on peace and understand the root cause of conflict but majority of South Sudanese know the sources of conflict as struggling target state power, our straight culture is to promote human dignity, and well-being of individuals/society through peaceful means that may deal with corruption, and promoting strong democratic governance, power-sharing, and equitable distributions of all resources to the communities in term of development. Communities need peace now.

South Sudan must swiftly improve to promote community (Nation) for peace and sustainable development in public usage of various programmes and different projects as well as the promotion of new generations for peace in the country. How do we develop and promote peace in South Sudan?

To develop peaceful and harmonious communities in South Sudan, we should promote peace education for clear understanding between different tribes who are different in cultures, norms, traditions, arts, as sixty-six distinct each other.

Empowering youth is a key to lasting peace, and sustainable development and not only youths empowering being the key factor in South Sudan where war and conflict took over stages, but youths empowering is important worldwide. There is no sustainable development without peace if we dream for it and no peace without sustainable development but all work hand in hand.

The author is a co-founder of South Sudan Mental Healthcare Organization, (SSMHCO). He holds Bachelor degree in Social Work and Social Administration from SSCUST, Bachelor of Theology from CLT, Bungoma, Kenya/Kalispell, USA, and a fellow researcher. He can be reached at

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