PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

CEPO applauds the appointment of senior gender advisor to the HLRF

Ms. Rabab Mohamed Ali Baldo appointed as a Senior Gender Adviser to HLRF

May 3, 2018 (PW) — Ms. Rabab Mohamed Ali Baldo appointed as a Senior Gender Adviser to the Office of the IGAD Special Envoy on South Sudan, His Excellency and Ambassador Ismail Wais under collaboration and partnership of the Office of the IGAD Special Envoy on South Sudan, the Canada PSOP Programme/Canada Embassy and UN Women.
Ms. Rabab will be supporting the Special Envoy on integrating gender issues into IGAD position papers on the South Sudan High-Level Revitalization Process, facilitating the women’s organizations to engage with the High-level Revitalization Forum (HLRF), and supporting IGAD to monitor the gender considerations of the outcomes of the Forum.
Community Empowerment for Progress Organization welcomes and appreciates the appointment of Ms. Rabab Mohamed Ali Baldo as a Senior Gender Adviser to IGAD-HLRF. This is a remarkable step on the promotion, protection and enforcement of the women participation and representation in peacemaking process.This is a call CEPO made right from day one of the initiation of South Sudan Peace High-Level Revitalization process. We are now happy and impressed that the office of the IGAD Special Envoy on South Sudan, His Excellency and Ambassador Ismail Wais has a Senior Gender Adviser.
Mr. Edmund Yakani, Executive Director of CEPO says it is great that collaboration and partnership of the Office of the IGAD Special Envoy on South Sudan, the Canada PSOP Programme/Canada Embassy and UN Women have responded to our long time call effectively.
Engendering the peacemaking through the revitalization process is a paramount and it is a commitment for implementing Sustainable Development Goal 5: “Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls”.
Having a Senior Gender Adviser in the office of the Office of IGAD Special Envoy on South Sudan is a key for mainstreaming gender in all the provisions of the peace agreement chapters (1 and 2) undergoing revitalization.
Integrating gender issues in the peace mediation is not only securing affirmative action quota or percentage such as 35%. It is behind affirmative action quota or percentage. Mr. Yakani stressed.
Finally, CEPO urge Ms. Rabab Mohamed Ali Baldo to be action-oriented Gender Adviser with regular access to the women population behind women and Gender supporter’s elites.
The fashionable of dealing with elites only should be reduced. Voices of the women in the communities matters besides the voices of gender support elites.

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