PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

FCRFL Response to The Khartoum Great Treason Framework Draft Agreement

The Free Citizens Red Flag League (FCRFL) 

Wednesday, June 27, 2018 (PW): The Free Citizens Red Flag League (FCRFL) would like to register its full rejection of what it calls the “Khartoum Great Treason Framework,” which has been served by non other than President Omar Hassan Al-Bashiir of Sudan to his former palace juniors, President Kiir and Dr.Riek.

The Khartoum Great Treason Framework draft agreement has been reported by BBC Swahili (Dira Ya Dunia) programme on June 26th 2018 to include creation of three capitals in South Sudan, instead of the standard “one capital city” which has characterized the Westphalian nation-state system all over the world since its inception in early nineteenth century.

Attempts to create more than one seat of government have always led to increased instability and wars of independence within nation-states, especially when such divisions are born by ethnic or religious considerations. In recent history, Iraq could be an example to be considered. The post-Sadam Iraqi state was divided by US masters into three political capitals – Baghdad (Shiite), Mosul (Suni) and Erbil (Kurds).

Not long after that creation of three political capitals, two entities decided to split and declare independence from the Iraqi state. Rulers in Erbil organized a referendum and declared the independence of Kurdistan from Iraq and showed readiness to fight through their armed forces (the Peshmerga). The Sunnis in Mosul did the same and declared an Islamic Caliphate (The Islamic State or IS) and bitterly fought for their territorial gains through Mujahideen. The Shiites dominated government in Baghdad remained confused and unable to govern the whole country. Those divisions created regional instability which dragged Turky, Iran, Lebanon, and Syria into further turmoil.

There is a very high probability, inevitability in fact, that the Khartoum Great Treason Framework will drag South Sudan and the region deeper into future wider civil wars than provide a sustainable solution.

Hence, The FCRFL calls on all patriotic sons and daughters of South Sudan to express their strong rejection of that proposal. Unless President Kiir and Dr. Riek have agreed to split South Sudan into three weak confederate states to be run from Khartoum, there is no logic in even discussing such a dangerous scheme. And even if that was the case, such a decision is for the entire South Sudanese citizens who fought and voted for the country’s independence to make in a future referendum, not that of the two leaders to make on their behalf.

The FCRFL strongly suggests that a genuine federal system to be based on the constitutional ten states and one capital city should be a practical framework of governance in the transitional period.  It ensures the unity of South Sudan and its territorial integrity. In such a framework, the ten state capitals shall be strong enough to provide services to the people through disbursed funds from the capital (Juba), while they will not be strong enough to think about full independence.

Since another face-to-face meeting is scheduled to be held in Nairobi soon, the Khartoum initiative should be completely discarded as one which was drafted in bad-faith. Our great grandfathers/mothers have always said: “nothing good can come from Khartoum.” Such a dangerous “peace” proposal from Khartoum confirms that saying.

Long live the full independence of South Sudan. Long live the great sacrifices of our people and martyrs. Peace and prosperity shall be realized in our country soon.


The Free Citizens Red Flag League (FCRFL) is a South Sudanese peace advocacy platform. It can be reached at .

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