PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Gen. Taban Deng’s reunification of the SPLM has restored peace in the country

H.E. FVP .Gen. Taban’s decision to reunify the party (SPLM) restored peace and will implement social reforms in the country.

By Dut Deng kok, Juba, South Sudan

Kuol Manyang Juuk, Taban Deng Ghai, Ezekiel Lol Gatkuoth etc in the USA

Friday, November 23, 2018 (PW) —- The first vice president of the Republic of South Sudan H.E Gen. Taban Deng Gai is a greatest strength, humble, effective and good dependable politician. Your Excellency, you play very significant roles in this peace process, that is true democracy, you really redefined democracy like an American great man called Abraham Lincoln as the government of the people, for the people, and by the people.

The recent government of South Sudan is become the government of the people, and by the people, because the leadership that believes in the future of societies is really the government of the people, you created the meaningful life to young people in this country because these wars disadvantage youth and women particularly in many ways, although Youths are perpetrators and war victims, we need Youth to understand their roles in the country.

You love people with your all heart, mind, soul and striving to help your citizen as a true mark responsible politician. You give high regards for morality. We have seen a true democracy in south Sudan, democracy is not only just an approach to political governance but a culture which touches on every facet of human life.

Democracy does not end with election; it is about how we relate to family, friends and others. The people of South Sudan appreciating your efforts during implementation of this peace agreement because your rescue the country from rigging into terror, for instance from Juba to Nimule Road, from Juba to Yei, that was wanton killings on the highways and many other groups who were missed informed.

Comrade, this revitalized peace would have been given different name. You are securing, promoting good governance accountability and welfare of all. The whole nation is delighted with your benevolent leadership, we have a trust in you, and you captured the essence of truth, display sincerity and candor.

Your integrity and technical skill has handled those challenges. We have seen things changed considerably since the country is still a new born nation. The democracy came to United States of America through one man like you.

The United States of America is a preeminent democratic nation, gained independence from Britain in 1776. However, the Americans has to fight the system which made pay tax without being represented in parliament, no taxation without representation was the memorable slogan of their war and their declaration which must guide democracy anywhere in the world is the assertion that all men and women are created equal’’ the determination to give effect to that important declaration would later lead constitutional pioneer to prohibit the American citizen from bearing a title of nobility. The point is that could we maintain this spirit of togetherness and unity?

You are typically excellent at solving complex problems and I encourage you to work collaboratively with young people in this country in order to bring total peace and services delivery to the people of south Sudan. We want you to build up the strong institutions; strong institution is what defines the reality of the citizen of this country.

Conclusion: I strongly want you to take action together with our president H.E. Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit to bring a total reform because the country is totally disintegrated politically and we the youth will reunited this country using door to door campaign, mobilizing rural youths, talking of tranquility.

The unity of the people of South Sudan can begin a new, creating a prosperous and secure future and better life for every South Sudanese people through creating jobs, ensuring security, growing businesses, developing infrastructures, agriculture and education that is the only way the government outlines the goals and methods for developing and revitalizing South Sudan.

We hope this country must engage in industrialization diversification of the economy because the current generations know other route to wealth and fame other than politics but that would change when economic opportunities widen. Those who dabble in politics should be imbued with a spirit of public services.

Your Excellency, we know your office and entire government of South Sudan work daily to bring total change in the country and the people themselves must feel democratic for democracy you brought to be the culture they so much crave.

The author is a south Sudanese and can be reached via this email:

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