JIPDD appeals for inclusive implementation of the revitalized peace agreement
The Jonglei Institute for Peace, Democracy and Development (JIPDD) calls upon IGAD to include the holdouts groups in the implementation process of the revitalized ARCSS

Friday, November 23, 2018 (PW) —- The Jonglei institute for Peace, Democracy and Development (JIPDD) has strongly rejected the recent statement issued by the IGAD threatening to categorize holdout groups as ‘spoilers’ of peace in the Country. Last week, the East African bloc of nations IGAD threatened to categorize as peace “spoilers” the holdout rebel groups that refused to join the peace deal in South Sudan.
JIPDD urges the IGAD, Partners and Friends of South Sudan to still reach out to any warring groups who are not signatories to the peace deal. The war for South Sudanese and the peace is for South Sudanese all. No one should left out, our grievances need to be address all equally. Who is not a South Sudanese? And who shall not enjoy this peace?
The non-signatory rebel groups in South Sudan are the opposition National Salvation Front (NAS) led by Gen. Thomas Cirillo, People’s Democratic Movement (PDM) led by Hakim Dario, the United Democratic Republic Alliance (UDRA) of Gatwech K. Thich, and South Sudan National Movement for Change (SSNMC) led by Vakindi L. Unvu, and National Democratic Movement (NDM) led by Emanuel Aban.
As South Sudanese citizens and leaders at the same like others, they must be pursue slowly and peacefully to join in R-ARCSS implementation; Otherwise, the agreement shall not be inclusive. JIPDD appeals to the Government of South Sudan (TGoNU) to still extend an Olive branch to the holdout opposition groups in South Sudan because there is no space for anything apart from embracing peace.
The Organization also condemned South Sudanese who are interested in labeling rebel groups fighting South Sudan government as terrorists and be treated as such after the pre-transitional period. JIPDD want peace to come for all and war gone for all.
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