PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Dear President Kiir: Recall Back Governor Deng Mamer Yuol of Western Lakes State – Rumbek

An Open Letter to the President, H.E Salva Kiir Mayardit: Personal Appeal to Recall Back Hon. Brig. Gen. Deng Mamer Yuol, Governor of Western Lakes State (WLS), Rumbek

By Marial Mangar Akol, Rumbek, South Sudan

Western Lakes State governor John Deng Mamer Yuol addressing a rally in Rumbek

Sunday, May 5, 2019 (PW) — Your Excellency, my name is Marial Mangar Akol; I am a budding citizen and a youth concern that is not so skeptical on the state of affairs in my country. As a concern citizen, an active youth member in the country, and more particularly in the State of Western Lakes, I would like to take this utmost prospect and golden opportunity to congratulate you on your strong desire to implement the recently extended R-RCSS in Ethiopian capital, “Addis Ababa”.

This note too carries my sincere fortuitous to stucco my extreme appreciation on the contract you have signed with Chinese Engineering company, to construct tarmac road from Juba all the ways to Aweil. Congratulations Mr. President! Forgive me your Excellency for picking on this platform, with your long way to meet you of course I can’t reach you Just know, I may get there by two to three months or not even to meet you in those nice sparkling settings given the procedures.

Excellency, to such tough extent, a state divided against itself cannot stand. Western Lakes has lost the moment of state unity since you relieved the elected governor.  All hands were on desk in the fight against section-ism until politics began to shape the turn of events … immediately the state attained political rivalries. Hence, ethno-political bigotry threatens South Sudan’s rapid growth.

The foundation where every South Sudanese has a sense of belonging and a stake in the country’s affairs irrespective of their tribe and political affiliation would foster the sense of national identity. Our state has a harder row to hoe in creating a common statehood. The state is disintegrated in terms of political, sectional belongings and religion. And in fact, Building a common sense of purpose should be the state’s next level. This is achievable through flourishing educated and well-oriented politicians.

Excellency, South Sudan constitution has basic principles built on justice, prosperity, equality, good governance, and socio – economic prosperity. I love it; I stand to support any leader who knows the content of Country’s constitution. Impunity, wanton breach of the constitution, administrative irresponsibility and lopsided policy as substitutes for state framework would continue to hamper sustainable development just in the hand of our illiterates state governors.

An inclusive, efficient and solution-oriented administration can’t stand on executive absolutism mindset.

Your Excellency, I am writing this behind the bars!! Not necessarily in a physical cell but in a prison of my own thoughts. A prison we have been in for the last few months together with entire citizens of Western Lakes state. I really don’t know what we ought to do but I just hope you will be so quick to come for us. Nevertheless we would mind as much as possible if it came as decree.

Your Excellency, to reveal logical facts to you in WLS…. since we casted our vital vote to elect leaders in 2010, you have never given us God fearing governors. Sincerely and by God’s sake, the existence of devils currently in our state is caused by those you appointed. By the powers of almighty, the governor has admitted in his recent speech in Pacong that he walked with his gods, that he kept gods in his pocket, that he would never miss his political opponents. Our state has become second Sodom and Gomorrah in 21st century that is likely to be punished by Lord God.

Your Excellency, in 2014 when I first wrote open letter to you published by Juba Monitor newspaper, it was three weeks later that you came to Rumbek whether by coexistence or by response to my request. I am optimistically sure now, within a week or so, my today request shall be appreciate and celebrated.

Your Excellency, SPLM is our mother party under your able leadership and if our Country prosperity and tranquility gesture with positive impacts, automatically this is because of its party (SPLM) ideologies. The political ambitions and Ideologies are drawn and implement at grassroots levels. It’s worrying me now as you are reading this, the perseverance, persistent and it obliges moral orientation are no longer at propensity but whirred, and sibilant down.

In the vicinity of goofy comedy, Brig. Gen. Deng Mamer premiered within a month by arresting strong SPLM secretaries without written charges. Excellency, we wouldn’t be entertain by this idiosyncrasy from Deng Mamer.

Mr. President, when I casted my vote earlier in 2010, it was my final year at Rumbek secondary school. It means I voted for whom I knew not just for voting.  My trust, loyalty and support are still with who ever I voted including you. Phobia, disquietude has with stratum emerged when your appointees who by qualifications knows only how to cork and trigger the gun, knows how to shot only began to arrest and intimidate those elected by citizens equally with impunity.

I don’t know how you feel at this Mr. President. Your quick decree is a desire answer.

Mr. President, in our constitution education is free and compulsory, however, it’s licentious that Governor Deng is against education in the state. As he has stated on State radio, that selling cows for education is a waste of resources. That, they students in Juba are drugs addicted.

This had proved him as illiterate and unwise leader who doesn’t know the cost of education. Its worse mentioning that appointing uneducated military governors is immediate burial of education in our Country Mr. President, so rethink to recalled him back.

In conclusion, your Excellency, he (Governor Deng) stated on SSBC recently that Pakam community who were hosted by proclaimed good Samaritans in Yirol are repatriated back to Maper. When in fact their youth who escaped because of disarmament are currently still in Yirol as you are reading this, their yesterday raid to Agar cattle camp is live example.

I am sure you have learnt from the past Mr. President as you said in Rumbek that the previous ministers of Roads and bridges lied to you in regards to the condition of Roads, I would wish to highlight to you that Deng Mamer is more than them, believe me Sir!

Therefore as personal appeals, my president, I am honest to request your excellence office to recall him back to Bilpam. He is a strong military officer who can in national defense be command to carry out operation against external aggression.

Long Live President Kiir! Long Live Western Lakes State (WLS-Rumbek).

You can reach the author via his email: Marial Mangar <>

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