PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

What is President Kiir’s Stance on the Nasty Fight between Thiik Machar and Ateny Wek Ateny?

What is President Kiir’s Stance in the Nasty Battle between his nephew Thiik Machar and his Press Secretary Ateny Wek? How could a father carry two rivalry kids on same back? The case of Ateny Wek and Thiik Machar! One wonders if they are really helping or undermining President Kiir?

By Kuach Loch Garang Deng, Calgary, Canada

Deputy Mayor of Juba, Thiik Thiik Mayardit: 'My war with Ateny Wek is that he made some wrong reports on behalf of the President'
Deputy Mayor of Juba, Thiik Thiik Mayardit: ‘My war with Ateny Wek is that he made some wrong reports on behalf of the President’

Thursday June 20, 2019 (PW) — About two weeks ago or so, many South Sudanese were shocked to hear sensitive accusations traded between Thiik Thiik Mayardit President’s nephew and Ateny Wek Ateny President Kiir’s Press Secretary.

Since then, No any message came out from President office to stop them, or refute their arguments. Therefore, I am kind of wondering where is President Kiir in this nasty battle between his nephew Thiik Machar and his Press Secretary Ateny Wek?

What he, the president knows about these criminal accusations? Is it true he is being misled by his officials and the accusations that his Press Secretary Ateny Wek sold his brothers to National Security is true or false?

If it’s true president is misled, then did he unleashed his nephew to clear off bad elements from J-1 or his nephew is a lone wolf who acted as a smarten purse to help his uncle fan off these wild wolves in sheepskins?

What is Salva’s position on this ongoing battle between Ateny Wek and Thiik Machar? There are infinite questions that needed to be answered by none other than President or his office.

In fact, this case, Aweil Youth targeted killing in Juba, which has been used by Ateny Wek Ateny, and Thiik Machar is a very sensitive criminal case that should not be politicized for individuals gain.

If Ateny is helping President, then how he is helping him? Is President killing Aweil Youth and Ateny is helping him? Or in what way Ateny is helping Kiir? The case is political bombshell since the president is in the centre of the allegations with his Director of national Security Gen. Akol Koor Kuc!

Therefore, President Kiir Must comes out to clarify this cloudy air around him before the label sticks. If he continues to bury his head in the sand, the public will conclude he knows all these crimes but he pretends not to because he doesn’t care about people but his seat.

Therefore, I urge President Kiir to intervene to stop Ateny and Thiik immediately from continuing to fight and mention Aweil youth issue. If not, the public especially victims families will believe Kiir is in the know but needs a cover up.

President Kiir must form a justice committee, mute fire accused individuals, investigate them and arrest those found guilty of crimes mentioned above.

Otherwise, he must know all these allegations flying around, are his direct responsibility as the leader of the country.  For instance, if Ateny is accused of being national security informant, if it’s true, then Ateny did all these crimes in order to be trusted by you and get the bread he needs for survival.

If Akol Koor acted on cheaply information given to him by a third party, and use them to harm any one, then he is committing these crimes to protect your government.

Therefore, whether you authorized or not, this is your responsibility to protect citizens regardless who is harming them as the president of the country and C in C of all security apparatus of South Sudan!

Finally, Mr. President you need to bring these criminals killed innocent Aweil youth and other South Sudanese to the book and stop Ateny and Thiik immediately to cease from bringing up Aweil Youth victims in their political rivalry.

Otherwise, Justice for victims-Aweil Youth must be served now unless justice delayed is justice denied!

Best Regards.

Kuach Loch Garang Deng is a South Sudanese living in Calgary, Canada. He can be reached at

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