Setting records straight: Press Statement from the Disbanded National Revenue Authority (NRA) Board Introduction Friday, September 06, 2019 (PW) ---...
"In this polarized and polarizing conflict, perceptions can overshadow reality, and whatever the equation of the power structures, the Dinka...
By Deng Madut Akech, Juba, South Sudan The true size of Africa Wednesday, September 5, 2019 (PW) --- It's imperative...
Stop giving youths’ associations money they’re getting spoiled. (The case of youths' associations in East Africa) By Peter Madol, Nairobi,...
The 2nd open Letter to Hon. Elia Ullan Jongo the Member of TNLA Juba, South Sudan By Michael Chol Tor,...
The National Dialogue Initiative - Final Communique from the Equatoria Regional Conference in Juba, 26 August 2019 the-national-dialogue-initiative-final-communique-from-the-equatoria-regional-conference-in-juba-26-august-2019Download Governor Augustino...
Declaration of Principles - South Sudan Opposition Movement - Pagan Amum, Paul Malong, Thomas Cirillo, Oyai Deng Ajak and Cirino...
Malith Alier, Australia Minister of Finance and Economic Planning Salvatore Garang Mabiordit Dear Hon. Minister, Saturday, 31 August, 2019 (PW)...
The Legends of Dinka: The Arrogant and Ignorant Young Men Who Killed Their Fathers By Kur Wël Kur, Adelaide, Australia...
The Surprising Return of Dr. Barnaba Marial Benjamin: When you always have the heart for the country, the country always...